Автор Тема: Vintage Hamer USA Cruise Bass 1st version 1986  (Прочитано 2045 раз)

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Vintage Hamer USA Cruise Bass 1st version 1986
« : Сентября 08, 2012, 16:31:29 »
Vintage Hamer USA Cruise Bass 1st version 1986

Описание: made in USA 1986, отличное рабочее состояние, есть недочеты по косметике (xарактерные для старых
Хамеров проблемы с лаковым покрытием, см. фото). Никаких трещин и прочих критичных деффектов нет, только
косметика. Настроен и готов к работе. В комплекте кейс б/у.

Более подробно с ценой и фото тут:


Доставка по России и в СНГ от 300руб.
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« Последнее редактирование: Октября 13, 2012, 00:09:06 от alex_vivat »

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Re: Vintage Hamer USA Chaparral Bass 1986
« Ответ #1 : Сентября 10, 2012, 21:10:41 »

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Re: Vintage Hamer USA Chaparral Bass 1986
« Ответ #2 : Сентября 13, 2012, 10:17:01 »

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Re: Бас-гитара Vintage Hamer USA Chaparral Bass 1986
« Ответ #3 : Сентября 18, 2012, 20:18:42 »

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Re: Бас-гитара Vintage Hamer USA Chaparral Bass 1986
« Ответ #4 : Сентября 21, 2012, 01:34:02 »

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Re: Бас-гитара Vintage Hamer USA Chaparral Bass 1986
« Ответ #5 : Сентября 23, 2012, 13:36:10 »

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Re: Бас-гитара Vintage Hamer USA Chaparral Bass 1986
« Ответ #6 : Сентября 28, 2012, 23:20:32 »

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Re: Бас-гитара Vintage Hamer USA Chaparral Bass 1986
« Ответ #7 : Октября 01, 2012, 21:48:18 »

Оффлайн Sandomir

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Re: Бас-гитара Vintage Hamer USA Chaparral Bass 1986
« Ответ #8 : Октября 12, 2012, 16:55:06 »
Это не Chaparral, а Phantom

... и добавил:

Можно более детальные фото на Sandomir[собака]inbox.ru
« Последнее редактирование: Октября 12, 2012, 17:14:44 от Sandomir »

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Re: Бас-гитара Vintage Hamer USA Chaparral Bass 1986
« Ответ #9 : Октября 12, 2012, 19:26:38 »
ну и где в истории сосздания басов Фантом???

Hamer Basses

All the basses described have a 34 inch scale, rosewood fingerboard, dot inlays, four- or five-on- a-side pegheads and Sustain Block bridge (although the Kahler Bass tremolo was a custom option on several basses circa 1984) unless otherwise stated.

Blades Bass (circa 1989) - Short scale (30.5 inch) double cutaway bass, fitted with two EMG HB pickups and two-a-side headstock. Optional figured maple boby.

Blitz Bass (1982 - 1990) - Same styling as the Blitz Guitar (Explorer-shape) with P- and J-type pickups.

Chaparral Bass(1986 - 1995) - Similar styling to Chaparral guitar. Available originally available with fixed-neck with humbucker and P-type pickups. Later instruments can have a bolt-on neck with P- and J-type pickups.

Chaparral Max Bass (1986 - 1995) - Same as the Chaparral Bass but has glued-in neck, figured maple body, ebony fingerboard and boomerang inlays.

Chaparral 5-String Bass (1987 -1995) - 5-String version of the above. The first examples have 4+1 peghead and humbucker and P-type pickups (usually OBL); later basses have five-on-a-side reverse peghead fitted with two EMG humbuckers.

CruiseBass (1st version) (1982 - 1990) - Similar body shape to the Phantom guitar with a glued-in neck and P- and J-type pickups. The early guitars have a scratch plate but this was deleted on later basses. Also available in a five string version.

CruiseBass (2nd version) (1995 - date) - Similar body shape as the above (with scratchplate) but with a bolt-on neck and fitted with two J-type pickups. The 2-Tek CruiseBass has a through mounted 2-Tek bridge. A5-string CruiseBass (with 4+1 headstock and 2-Tek bridge) and Fretless (4- and 5-string with maple fret markers on ebony fingerboard) also available also available.

FBIV (1985 - 1987) - Same reversed body styling as the FB guitars, fitted with P- and J-type pickups.

Miller Genuine Draft Bass - (1987) - The same design as the Miller Genuine Draft Guitar but bass version with single P-type pickup.

Miller High Life Bass - (1986) - The same design as the Miller Music Guitar (except "High Life" graphic) but bass version with single P-type pickup.

Impact Bass (1989 -1992) - Original angular body style with a glued-in neck and 3+1 reversed peghead. Fitted with EMG HB and P-type pickups.

Impact 5-String Bass(1992 -1994) - Similar body shape to Impact but more rounded shape with through-neck construction and 2+3 peghead. Constructed from several exotic timbers.

Scarab Bass (1984 - 1990) - Same body shape as the Scarab guitar with P- and J-type pickups.

Standard Bass (1975 - 1984) - Bass version of the Standard guitar with two humbuckers.

8-String Bass (Short Scale)(1978 - date) - Double cutaway maple body (figured top from 1980) with glued-in neck (originally mahogany but later changed to maple) and 30.5 inch scale. Four-a-side split-vee peghead has two sizes of tuner (smaller for the octave strings). Fitted with one or two humbuckers (originally DiMarzio X2N but EMG on most recent guitars) and 8-saddle bridge and stop tail piece. Similarly styled long-scale (34 inch) and short-scale (30.5 inch) 4-string basses were also produced to custom order.

12-String Bass (Short Scale) (1978 - date) - Almost identical details to 8-string but four more octave strings and six-a-side peghead with three sizes of machine head..

12-String Chaparral Bass (Long Scale) (1992 - date) - Similar styling to the Chaparral bass (fixed neck) but with scalloped cutaways, may have twin boomerang inlays. Same peghead as short-scale 12- String but scale length is 34 inch. Usually fitted with two EMG humbuckers. A few Standard 12-string Basses have also been produced with the same details.

12-String Bass- Long Scale Acoustic (1985 - date) - Semi-hollow single cutaway mahogany body with a figured maple front and round soundhole. Slightly different peghead to other 12- String basses. Fitted with EMG humbucker and soundhole mounted P-type pickup.

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Re: Бас-гитара Vintage Hamer USA Chaparral Bass 1986
« Ответ #10 : Октября 12, 2012, 21:30:55 »
Вообще-то это ранняя модель Cruise Bass 1st version (1982 - 1990)

но Sandomir, отчасти прав... так как форма корпуса взята от модели гитары Фантом у Хамера
 CruiseBass (1st version) (1982 - 1990) - Similar body shape to the Phantom guitar with a glued-in neck and P- and J-type pickups. The early guitars have a scratch plate but this was deleted on later basses. Also available in a five string version.

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Re: Бас-гитара Vintage Hamer USA Chaparral Bass 1986
« Ответ #11 : Октября 13, 2012, 00:08:40 »
спасибо, поправил

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Re: Vintage Hamer USA Cruise Bass 1st version 1986
« Ответ #12 : Октября 14, 2012, 23:45:56 »

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Re: Vintage Hamer USA Cruise Bass 1st version 1986
« Ответ #13 : Октября 16, 2012, 11:47:12 »
 :) :)

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Re: Vintage Hamer USA Cruise Bass 1st version 1986
« Ответ #14 : Октября 18, 2012, 23:50:45 »