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Fender Stratocaster Custom Shop 67 NOS 3000$
http://youtu.be/YxhkxUiAyZ4произведен в США в 2010г. Состояние нового инструмента, приобретался в США, в магазине, новым. Цена, по которой можно приобрести в США (без учета доставки и всего прочего). Все документы и фирменный жесткий кейс в комплекте. Цена указана в долларах США!!! Отличный инструмент по хорошей цене найти сложно. Спешите!!!
На мой запрос в Фендер прислали ответ с подробной спецификацией и письмом, в котором говорится, что
таких гитар выпущено только две!!!!Звук суперистический!!!
http://www.themusiczoo.com/product/7020/Fender-Custom-Shop-67-Stratocaster-NOS-Electric-Guitar-3-Tone-Sunburst/Цена 3800$ при обмене на Gibson LP R0 R8 R9 Custom
Fender Custom Shop ‘67 Stratocaster NOS Electric Guitar 3-Tone SunburstPlayPreviIncludes: Hardshell Case, Strap, Cable, Custom Care Kit, Paperwork, Certificate of Authenticity
A Custom Shop teambuilt Strat built to '67 specs with a few of our modern upgrades; 9.5" fretboard radius, medium jumbo frets, and a 5-way switch. This Strat is loaded with a real killer set of pickups; Abby handwound '66 Stratocaster pickups, we think they're really the best when it comes to nailing that classic Strat tone. Playability is also top notch thanks to the comfortable oval "C" shape of the neck.
Fender®, Stratocaster®, and the distinctive headstock and body designs commonly found on the Strat® are trademarks of Fender Musical Instruments Corporation.
• 3-Tone Sunburst Finish
• Alder Body Ольха
• '66 Strat Oval "C" Shape Maple Neck
• Madagascar Rosewood Fretboard
• 25.5" Scale Length
• 9.5" Fretboard Radius
• .840" Neck Thickness at 1st Fret
• .974" Neck Thickness at 12th Fret
• Abby Handwound '66 Stratocaster Pickups
• 5-Way Pickup Switch
• American Vintage Synchronized Tremolo
• Schaller "F" Tuners
• Nickel/Chrome Hardware
Fender Custom Shop
http://www.themusiczoo.com/product/7020/Fender-Custom-Shop-67-Stratocaster-NOS-Electric-Guitar-3-Tone-Sunburst/p ‘67 Stratocaster NOS Electric Guitar 3-Tone Sunburst