Автор Тема: продаётся Yamaha RGX 1220A в США c активными звукоснимателями. Пока 150$ на аукционе  (Прочитано 1099 раз)

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Оффлайн DLed Автор темы

  • Эксперт
  • *****
  • Сообщений: 2335
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    • http://www.ledentsov.de
Yamaha RGX 1220A model electric guitar. A classic shred machine. Pearl silver, dual active humbuckers, Yamaha's version of the Floyd (if you break a string this unit will not go out of tune). Neck-thru construction, 24 jumbo frets, ebony fretboard I think.
Players who like Jackson, Ibanez, and Carvin guitars, etc., the RGX was a very good alternative. The construction is really high quality. I bought this guitar because it reminded me a lot of my Carvin DC 135 which I'm selling along with this guitar.

This guitar has seen a lot of action, has a lot of dings, scratches, scrapes, chips, etc. The frets have some wear and could probably benefit from a grind and polish one of these days. I think this guitar had a refinish at some point. The trem arm is a bit loose. It will not fall out of the bridge but there is a bit of wobble to it. Nothing drastic.

Comes with a non-original Fender gig bag.

This guitar is for players and is priced super low to reflect its condition. I'm just trying to be honest and not hype it up. I think there is a lot of life left in this guitar. I'll throw a fresh 9v into the gig bag. Sold as is.