Автор Тема: Уроки игры на гитаре от ирландского гитариста на английском языке  (Прочитано 775 раз)

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Оффлайн Paulina Автор темы

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Уроки игры на гитаре от ирландского гитариста на английском языке для начинающих и профессионалов. Авторская методика, индивидуальный план занятий.
Занятия проводятся в профессиональной студии, в центре Москвы, р-он ст.м. Чистые Пруды.

Продюсерский центр Игоря Сандлера.

+7499 7558600
+7926 5390208
+7926 2041953

Robert started off his career back 1980 with local band ‘Galeforce’ and then later in the 1980`s with rock band ‘Tyrant’.

In 1987 he moved to Toronto in Canada and played there with the band ‘Dirty White Boys’ and undergone tours within Canada.

Returning home in 1989 he joined Progressive Rock band ‘Winter’ writing original material for the EP ‘Across the Circles Edge’ and undergone tours in Europe hoping to secure a recording contract.

His guitar playing was heavily influenced from his fellow countryman, the late great Gary Moore from Belfast also, and was his main inspiration in the early days right through to present day and subsequently inspired him to write the guitar instrumental called “Winter’ as his own personal tribute to Gary but back in 1990 long before Garys unfortunate passing 2011.

SI Music signed the band, re-releasing a remixed and remastered edition of "Across The Circle's Edge" on CD.
Later Rab played with ‘Mr Jinx’ and also with ‘Native Sun’.

From the late 1990’s he spent more time teaching guitar which spanned possibly the next.10/12 years helping to get new kids started and helping them to progress in their futures as guitar players. His “old school’ approach to playing and teaching the guitar is drawn from all the greats like Hendrix, Clapton, Page, Gilmore, Moore, BB King and so many more and the importance of ear training so as to be able to play from a real musical melodic heart and soul approach as opposed to a paperwork, theory and linear one, has always been paramount to him and of the highest importance.

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