вот адекватный ответ с форума на сей вопрос с сайта алтимейт-гитар.ком:
Boss Metal Zone(Metallica Sound?)
Level at noon, Bass at 1 O'clock, Treble at 2 O'clock, Mids at 10 or 11 O'clock, Mid Freq. at 1 O'clock, Distortion at almost all the way up. With the amp set for a good clean sound. I don't use my Metal Zone anymore but these are the settings I used before I retired it. You might have to adjust them a little.
также порадовал вот такой ответ:
its funny how like a couple of years ago, The Metal Zone was like a
MUST HAVE for any rig. Now its "nah, thats horrendous" and... yeah, i've always thought so. I never use it for my loud amps, hardley ever in my room with my small amp if I have batteries. So... I am planning on getting a tube amp and stack, what should I get. I'm not too keen on digitech... I think they're jewish, Boss builds hardier pedals, I got a chorus pedal from boss as well. Dunno if you guys are gonna knock that too or what, and advice would be appreciated.
I would say... Bass either 9 or 10 Mids around 6 High either 9 or 10 (depending on what you put for the bass). The lo-mid and stuff, use your best judgement. And leave the "distortion" around middle, so 6.надо испытать сегодня, данные предложения, хотя уже несколько лет прошло, с тех пор как написали эти настройки.
P.S. как меня достали выкрики, здесь в том числе, чтобы получить звук Металлики, купите себе оборудование ,аналогичное, за $8000.