раз не верите сф сайту миталики, то спорить дальше не вижу смысла... молитесь дальше на стигмату и оматоре 
Какому сайту, дружище? Неужели ты дал ссылку? Вон тебе выше даны источники, где четко все видно - гибсоны, гибсоны были у металлики все первые альбомы.
... и добавил:Gibson Flying V, 1974 or 1976 Black
1974 or 1976
2 pickups
2 volume controls, 1 tone control
This was Kirk's first "real" guitar. His first guitar was a cheapo strat copy which he didn't play for six months. Kirk's brother asked if he needed new strings, so they went out to buy some...But this meant Kirk spent all his money on strings, so he might as well play the thing. After that, he bought a Strat. And after that, he worked at Burger King until he had enough money to buy this flying v (he also traded in the strat).
He also experimented with different pickups, but eventually settled on EMGs.
http://www.freewebs.com/montyjay/kirkblackgibsonv.htmlKill em all
* Black Gibson Flying V
* Cherry Gibson Flying V
1 Seymore Duncan pickup
2 volume controls, 1 tone control
* Black Fernandes Flying V
1 bridge pickup
1 volume control, 1 tone
Ride the lightning
* Black Gibson Flying V
Master of puppets
* Black Gibson Flying V
* Jackson Randy Rhoads Custom V
Garage days
* Same as before
And justice for all
* Same as before
http://www.freewebs.com/montyjay/kirkguitars.htmlНу и сайт гибсона тоже.