MX11 + 6 digits
2011-2012 Инфо с сайта Фендер
This new scheme uses the letters “MX” as a prefix to designate an instrument made in Mexico, followed by an eight-digit number. The first two digits of the number identify the year of manufacture, (10 for 2010, 11 for 2011, etc.). The following six digits are the unit identifier, although it should be noted that these final six numbers are not sequential and do not provide any other identification information about the instrument. This new scheme is now used on the majority of Fender instruments made in Mexico, with certain exceptions.
... и добавил:Из вокс ам 4 рок-металл не выжать только кранч...
для начала пойдет такой.... а дальше будет видно. просто мне его отдают почти новый (пол года) дешевле Микрокуба и через знакомых.