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Оффлайн vasil

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Re: vilmour guitars
« Ответ #555 : Апреля 23, 2012, 14:09:11 »
никогда ниимеет смысла брать нойзэ фри на страт
а можно полюбопытствовать в связи с чем?

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Re: vilmour guitars
« Ответ #556 : Апреля 23, 2012, 14:10:35 »
а можно полюбопытствовать в связи с чем?
нууу кроме того что сам пробовал
вот ещо 2800+- страниц об этом

Оффлайн vasil

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Re: vilmour guitars
« Ответ #557 : Апреля 23, 2012, 14:24:04 »
нууу кроме того что сам пробовал
вот ещо 2800+- страниц об этом
замолкаю за не опытностью...:D
« Последнее редактирование: Апреля 23, 2012, 15:22:37 от vasil »

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Re: vilmour guitars
« Ответ #558 : Апреля 23, 2012, 14:46:26 »
Осторожнее...такие эвфемизмы тут не прокатывают..

Оффлайн Vilmour Автор темы

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Re: vilmour guitars
« Ответ #559 : Апреля 23, 2012, 19:28:33 »
Приятно иметь дело с хорошим человеком :)

Процесс потихоньку продвигается

When I go to the post office tomorrow I'll add the insurance and let you know the total. I think it will be a few dollars, nothing major. I'll let you know the total and you can send it through paypal to my account. I'll keep you informed on that...I'll also take a picture of the receipt so you can see the total. I did wax pot them as well. 4:1 paraffin/beeswax @ 150 degrees F.
I have them all finished and will box them after I get home form my "regular" job. I also need to test the output again to make sure everything is good. I test output after winding them, then again after soldering the leads on, then I test again after potting them. Before they are boxed, I test them again to make sure the output is where it needs to be. I like to test each step of the way to make sure the quality is right. I'll have to send some more pictures too.
I forgot to ask if you speak english or use a translation program? I would think that you speak english though because it is pretty good. the grammar errors are common ones but I do understand you well. good job on that!
Maybe sometime you can tell me about where you live. it seems to be that there is Russian influence there, also Chinese and middle eastern like Iran/Afghanistan?
Another thing I noticed too is that recently on Ebay I see a lot of old Russian made guitars from the 60's and early '70's. Very unique shapes and selector switches. I like them by their looks but when you hold them and play them they're more like toys. The ones from Japan from that era were like that too. I like the looks of them though and maybe one day I will build one using good wood and pickups. I also see a lot of Russian military tubes (valves) on ebay. I may try them out sometime because they get good reviews. I like tube amps over solid state and I once had a Sovtek blues bass amp. it was nice and I foolishly sold it! I believe it was based on a Fender Bassman.
I'll let you know about your schematic/wiring too if you need help. I'll throw in some wire scraps with your order so that you can have the vintage cloth wiring going between pots and from the output jack to the pots. It will look vintage! There are many videos on youtube on soldering that will help you actually solder better. it's tricky at first but it gets easier. soldering the wires to the eyeholes of the volume and tone pots are easier that soldering the ground wires to the pots. One key is to make sure that your soldering iron get hot enough. another key thing to do is to use some sand paper and rough up the surface. it helps to make the solder stick better. I always lay a small pool of solder on the pot and then put the ground wires on top of it while heating it up. Using those tools that have alligator clips and act as a third hand is a good tool to have too.

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Re: vilmour guitars
« Ответ #560 : Апреля 23, 2012, 19:30:56 »
подписываюсь на тему

Оффлайн olana

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Re: vilmour guitars
« Ответ #561 : Апреля 23, 2012, 19:35:24 »
Брось если можно инфу по продавцу и цену в личку.

Оффлайн vasil

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Re: vilmour guitars
« Ответ #562 : Апреля 23, 2012, 19:35:44 »
Брось если можно инфу по продавцу и цену в личку.

Оффлайн Vilmour Автор темы

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Re: vilmour guitars
« Ответ #563 : Апреля 24, 2012, 23:59:18 »
Итак, рукотворные звукосниматели отправляются в путь.
Страшно переживаю, так не хочется выяснять отношения с человеком, если почта накосячит :pozor:

К сожалению такое случалось уже и со мной.

I shipped today via the USPS and here is the customs ...........................
I had the small customs form filled out and told them I wanted insurance and they told me to fill the large form instead so, I had to get out of cue and fill out the large form. when they scanned it they told me they couldn't do it. Why I don't know but maybe that's the reason why they are going broke! I didn't have any other options other to ship a much more expensive way and that would have cost too much and I would have had to ship tomorrow instead of today.
I'm confident all will work out well. You'll get your pickups and there will be no issues.....please let me know when they arrive. at least we can reference the customs number and it will show some of the tracking.
also, I added some scraps of cloth wire for your wiring. the leads on the pickups are longer than they need to be also so you'll have scraps from them as well. You should have some good length from the bridge pickup.
I packed each pickup individually in a bag. each bag is marked neck, middle and bridge. each pickup is marked with it's output too. Since they all are almost identical in output, you can use the neck for the bridge and not have any issues at all. Just make sure to use the middle for the middle slot because it's wound counter clockwise and reverse polarity. you can easily identify it because it has a yellow and black wire pair. The wires on the neck and bridge are white and black. Black is ground and white/yellow are positive.

Оффлайн Vilmour Автор темы

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Re: vilmour guitars
« Ответ #564 : Апреля 26, 2012, 02:46:42 »
Заготовка для грифа в обрезанном состоянии прошла испытательный срок.
Радиальный распил, а мне так хочется тангенс :(

Обкатал форму

Подготовил анкера, есть два варианта - или будем гайку крутить из башни, или из попки
Еще думаю

Анкер буду укладывать в полукруглый паз, а иначе дядь Вова опять впишет мне ???

Самозаточенная фреза, сврло проще говоря

Контрольные замеры

Погода-то какая стоит хорошая

Оффлайн Blues Brothers

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Re: vilmour guitars
« Ответ #565 : Апреля 26, 2012, 02:49:47 »
Валки зачётные

Оффлайн Vilmour Автор темы

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Re: vilmour guitars
« Ответ #566 : Апреля 26, 2012, 02:51:25 »
Blues Brothers, анкер какой будем ставить? Хочу без лишних дырок в башке, но многие видят такую ужасную проблему, мол гриф открути, закрути и т.д

Оффлайн Blues Brothers

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Re: vilmour guitars
« Ответ #567 : Апреля 26, 2012, 03:10:08 »
С точки зрения звука лучшэ када анкер через шурупы проходит в опе
да и винтажные темы всегда дорожэ
смотря что закажщик хочет
удобно фапать или винтаж звук
просто я заеханый на винтажэ как бэ
 ??? ??? ??? ???
хазяин барин

... и добавил:

Мелкий волк пробегун по опилкам
ващще тема

Оффлайн Vilmour Автор темы

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Re: vilmour guitars
« Ответ #568 : Апреля 26, 2012, 03:13:28 »
Короче, будет total vintage

Пса подобрали зимой на дороге, замерз бы насмерть
Назвали Ozzy Osbourne

Оффлайн Blues Brothers

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Re: vilmour guitars
« Ответ #569 : Апреля 26, 2012, 03:15:16 »
Короче, будет total vintage

Пса подобрали зимой на дороге, замерз бы насмерть
Назвали Ozzy Osbourne
Ну ваще респект