Need to think of it in terms of when the guitar was designed. From my understanding but I could be wrong im not completely up on Fender history the bridge pickup was angled foreward to increase the base response. Leo felt that it was too thin and tinny with the pickups of the time. Now fast fore ward to now we have pickups that much much more bass response than they did in the 50's so it isnt as necessary. The reason more people dont do it is simply tradition. Look at how many designs are from the 50's and earlier that are still being played. Guitarists can be slow to respond to change. If you dig it being straight then have at it.
Нашел на форуме sd, бриджый датчик под углом, чтобы он захватил побольше басов, поскольку чем ближе звукосниматель к грифу, тем большее басов, так что, я считаю это правильный ответ.