Автор Тема: Mesa Boogie 2ch Dual Rectifier Solo Head Clone  (Прочитано 8727 раз)

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Оффлайн Ricotjuh

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Re: Mesa Boogie 2ch Dual Rectifier Solo Head Clone
« Ответ #45 : Августа 06, 2019, 15:58:00 »
Top! Thank you for the answers so far.

... и добавил:

Since the good help so far, I would like to ask the following question. It's about the Switching Matrix. There is a resistor for LDR 8 and 9. Namely R314. But its value differs in the 2 schematics of the Dual Rectifier. In one schematic, the value of this resistor is 68R and in the other 680R. See Appendix.
Does anyone know what value is right now?

« Последнее редактирование: Августа 07, 2019, 15:14:47 от Ricotjuh »

Оффлайн Ricotjuh

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Re: Mesa Boogie 2ch Dual Rectifier Solo Head Clone
« Ответ #46 : Августа 09, 2019, 14:04:18 »
And then something else.
I would like to perform a bias mod on the Dual Rectifier.
What I often see what they do is remove R255. Here comes a potentiometer with a resistor in series (so that the tubes cannot burn out when the potentiometer is fully screwed up)
The wires of the bias switch are soldered loose, so that it is no longer usable. Because the bias is adjusted with the potentiometer.
Now I would like to keep this switch and its operation, but instead of one potentiometer, I want to apply 2. One for the setting of the 6L6 and the other for the EL34. Now I have made a design. I assume this should just work, or are there any comments ?!