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New POD HD 1.31 Firmware, Editors, and Line 6 Monkey 1.36 Released! Hide Details
We are happy to announce the release of firmware version 1.31 for our POD HD300, HD400, and HD500!
POD HD300, HD400, and HD500 v1.31 is a FREE firmware update that contains several improvements, including new amp models and new deep edit amp parameters.
Please download and install Line 6 Monkey software version 1.36 or later* and use it to update your POD HD300/400/500 to this latest version of Flash Memory. Once you’ve connected your POD HD to your computer via USB port (hubs are not supported), Monkey will recognize your unit and take you through the update process. The Line 6 Monkey application may be downloaded here:
http://line6.com/getrelease?rid=4030 POD HD300, HD400, HD500 Flash Memory Version 1.31 RELEASE NOTES
The following new features are included in this release:
New Amp Models
Blackface Double Vibrato (based on the "Vibrato" channel of a Fender® Twin Reverb®)
Tweed B-Man Bright (based on the "Bright" channel of a Fender® Bassman®)
Blackface 'Lux Vibrato (based on the "Vibrato" channel of a Fender® "Blackface" Deluxe Reverb®)
Brit J-45 Nrm (based on the "Normal" channel of a Marshall® JTM-45 MkII)
Brit P-75 Nrm (based on the"Normal" channel of a Park 75)
Line 6 Elektrik (high-gain Line 6 original)
New Amp Parameter Controls
Bias X (excursion)
Also added:
Drag and Drop Signal Flow UI (POD HD500 Edit only)
Patch translation to support new deep edit parameters (Line 6 Monkey)
Drive knob translation to support fixed drive levels (Line 6 Monkey, 300/400 only)
The following changes and bug fixes are included in this release:
J-45 pre-amp model default has channel volume set to 100%.
P-75 pre-amp model default has channel volume set to 100%.
AC Plate Ripple balanced on all full amp models (assuming Bias is left at 50%). This reduces some idle humming, but retains the character while playing.
TRS-jack FX Loop Send is now sending a true stereo signal, not summed mono. If you are using a mono cable, the Left audio path is sent. (HD500 only)
Improved stability when using certain combinations of presets.
Existing amp models appended with 'Brt/Nrm' where appropriate.
Numerous additional bug fixes in the firmware and editor.
POD HD300, HD400, HD500 Edit v1.03 RELEASE NOTES:
What's new since v.1.02?
Compatibility with POD HD Firmware 1.31 and above
Additional amp models
Additional amp model parameter control
Existing amp models appended with 'Brt/Nrm' where appropriate
Updated User Guides
Numerous bug fixes for enhanced stability and operation
* If retaining the presets of your POD HD device, it is vital to download and use the latest version of Line 6 Monkey 1.36 in order for presets to sound as they did prior to the update. Please note this only affects presets with the Drive knob at lower gain settings.