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Оффлайн -Jimi-

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Re: Топик убийцы ламповых усилителей - AXE FX
« Ответ #645 : Октября 16, 2009, 00:35:53 »
Mark Day, As I understood, it got the sound that is more similar to the tube one than other digital stuff. But the topic claims that this is the tube amp killer. Please, tell us about its ''dark side". I mean what is bad about it? It can't be better or equal than tube amps in the sound quality, right?  Are you going to use the amp models of AXE for recording?

Оффлайн Ruiner

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Re: Топик убийцы ламповых усилителей - AXE FX
« Ответ #646 : Октября 16, 2009, 00:37:36 »
AxeFx Live Show
I wanna buy it :pozor:

Оффлайн Turok Автор темы

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Re: Топик убийцы ламповых усилителей - AXE FX
« Ответ #647 : Октября 16, 2009, 00:47:31 »
It is very interesting to hear your opinion taking in account that you are an owner of CAA amps, which are very high quality amps and very expencive.
This is what intrigued me in the first place. Long before anybody heard of these units in Russia, I was a fan of Mark's CAA videos and when I heard him talking about the new... PROCESSOR (?), I was like: WHAT?  :o

I still want an OD100SE+ though  ;)

... и добавил:

-Jimi-, the topic's name is just a little exaggeration. Look how much attention it has brought :)
« Последнее редактирование: Октября 16, 2009, 00:49:13 от Turrokk »

Оффлайн Max Seleznev

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Re: Топик убийцы ламповых усилителей - AXE FX
« Ответ #648 : Октября 16, 2009, 00:52:13 »
Mark Day,

Are you going to use the amp models of AXE for recording?
and without any real power amp/cab/mic?

Have you recorded a heavy riffs via Axe FX just to line (not to ART SLA2), without reverb delay and other effects?
« Последнее редактирование: Октября 16, 2009, 01:17:01 от Max Seleznev »

Оффлайн Mark Day

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Re: Топик убийцы ламповых усилителей - AXE FX
« Ответ #649 : Октября 16, 2009, 01:11:40 »
Mark Day, As I understood, it got the sound that is more similar to the tube one than other digital stuff. But the topic claims that this is the tube amp killer. Please, tell us about its ''dark side". I mean what is bad about it? It can't be better or equal than tube amps in the sound quality, right?  Are you going to use the amp models of AXE for recording?

I like the tone better than many tube amps...it sounds so good it's scary.  I can use my CAA rig, Egnater rig or my AxeFx rig live....I am liking the AxeFx rig :)  It just sounds so amazing...quiet great FX and great pick and volume response.  It may not be for everyone, but I have had people that don't like the CAA amps either...for me I love the CAA stuff but some folks don't..the same will be true for the AxeFx.  It's all about personal preference :)


Оффлайн rozhok

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Re: Топик убийцы ламповых усилителей - AXE FX
« Ответ #650 : Октября 16, 2009, 01:40:57 »
Holy crap, it's look liek Axe advertise, lol  :crazy:

Оффлайн Mark Day

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Re: Топик убийцы ламповых усилителей - AXE FX
« Ответ #651 : Октября 16, 2009, 01:43:59 »
and without any real power amp/cab/mic?

Have you recorded a heavy riffs via Axe FX just to line (not to ART SLA2), without reverb delay and other effects?

This clip is Bark At The Moon done direct...no ProTool's plugins..just the AxeFx, 1 stereo track, no doubling.  I used the AxeFx's delay for the solos.

Here is the same preset recorded alone first with the Suhr Modern and no SPC control, then with the SPC then a Gibson LP with stock pickups. I had to really fight to keep the LP from getting too flubby.



... и добавил:

Holy crap, it's look liek Axe advertise, lol  :crazy:

I really enjoy the product, I also really enjoy Suhr guitars and amplifiers, my PRS guitar as well :)

« Последнее редактирование: Октября 16, 2009, 01:46:35 от Mark Day »

Оффлайн Max Seleznev

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Оффлайн Turok Автор темы

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Re: Топик убийцы ламповых усилителей - AXE FX
« Ответ #653 : Октября 16, 2009, 02:09:10 »
Holy crap, it's look liek Axe advertise, lol  :crazy:

which reminds me.. Mark, how come you're not endorsed by Fractal Audio yet? haha..

Оффлайн Mark Day

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Re: Топик убийцы ламповых усилителей - AXE FX
« Ответ #654 : Октября 16, 2009, 02:10:51 »
Thank you very much, i like this song and your playing .
But both tracks seems to be with reverb?

Sorry :o  you are right...I forgot there was some reverb on that.  I will do some just dry for you :)


Оффлайн Max Seleznev

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Re: Топик убийцы ламповых усилителей - AXE FX
« Ответ #655 : Октября 16, 2009, 02:27:48 »
  I will do some just dry for you :)
Thank you. Just some riffs without mix and etc. 

Оффлайн alesis

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Re: Топик убийцы ламповых усилителей - AXE FX
« Ответ #656 : Октября 16, 2009, 03:12:08 »
Mark Day, thanx for coming! So, if I sell all my tube/analog stuff and buy Axe - am I doing right? :crazy:
« Последнее редактирование: Октября 16, 2009, 03:14:45 от alesis »

Оффлайн Mark Day

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Re: Топик убийцы ламповых усилителей - AXE FX
« Ответ #657 : Октября 16, 2009, 03:38:22 »
Mark Day, thanx for coming! So, if I sell all my tube/analog stuff and buy Axe - am I doing right? :crazy:

It is a matter of personal preference....what is gold to me might not be to you :)  I would rather see you try one out for a few weeks then make a decision.  
It's difficult to buy something on clips alone.  I have purchased guitars that I haven't played before.  1 Les Paul that turned out to be a wonderful guitar, and one Les Paul that was nice to look at but was horrible to play and sounded bad.  My Suhr Modern is the nicest guitar I've ever played...I was lucky.  The OD100se+ was based on a CAE 3+se preamp so I knew what I was getting when I ordered it.  I heard some AxeFx clips on line that made me curious, so I ordered one but I did not sell my tube amps just in case.  I'm glad I bought the AxeFx.  If you get the AxeFx and you don't like it at least you would still have your old stuff :)  If you loved it like I do then you could decide :)

Do you have a friend nearby so you could try one?


... и добавил:

which reminds me.. Mark, how come you're not endorsed by Fractal Audio yet? haha..

I am on their Artist Roster, which is an honour for me.  I believe in the product and I ask for nothing in return.  Endorsements are rare in today's music biz....and I am nobody  :crazy:

« Последнее редактирование: Октября 16, 2009, 03:40:51 от Mark Day »

Оффлайн Акакий

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Re: Топик убийцы ламповых усилителей - AXE FX
« Ответ #658 : Октября 16, 2009, 03:44:43 »
Nothing special (about sabj) in sound,just more functions like big DVD with 1 million programs.

Оффлайн alesis

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Re: Топик убийцы ламповых усилителей - AXE FX
« Ответ #659 : Октября 16, 2009, 04:04:05 »
Do you have a friend nearby so you could try one?

I think it's so little number of people in whole Russia that have it, and i don't know them :) But in my opinion you are the best example of the man that make Axe Rock'em'all! (in opposite to that GuitarWorld (!) person)

Fractal Audio Systems Axe-Fx Ultra Pre-amp Effect Processor

And if you make that sound from that box, that's all I need to want hard that device! :)