Всем привет! Фракталы выпустили новую прошивку 10.09 а так же новый USB драйвер для мака и винды
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нашел ......
RELEASE NOTES 10.09 ==================
Reset USB input buffer upon detection of lack of input stream to mitigate poor OS-X clock adaptation (as buffer can be skewed significantly off-center at certain times due to clock drift).
Added USB buffer size select in I/O->Audio menu. Set this to lower values for less latency, set to higher values if experiencing distorted audio. Low values generally work fine with Windows machines. OS-X computers usually need higher values due to poor clock adaptation. You should stop USB audio streaming when changing this value so as to allow the buffer to reset properly. Streaming can be stopped by closing the application sending data to the Axe-Fx or by disconnecting the USB cable.
USB buffer level monitoring added to Utility->Status menu. The “USB” bar graph displays the amount of data in the USB FIFO buffer. Ideally the bar should be at around 50%. If the bar sinks all the way to the bottom or goes all the way to the top then the buffer may under/overflow and the USB buffer size should be
increased. The number of buffer errors that have occurred since the last buffer reset is indicated above the bar graph.
NOTE: The new OS-X driver must be downloaded from our website and installed to ensure proper USB audio operation on Apple computers.
Fixed exported Tone Match data derived prior to any processing, i.e. before Smoothing and Amount.
Fixed exported Tone Match data not being imported into Cab block if no name entered.
Added Configuration data query function to support Axe-Edit and FractalBot. This allows remote devices to query Display Offset and other pertinent data.
Added “Trip-Tik” amp model based on a Carol-Ann TripTik.