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90% of people are fooled if the frequency response and the volume are the same. That's the secret to a certain other product. Over time your ears start to hear subtleties especially in the character of the distortion, note attack, decay, bloom and dynamics. The average person probably can't identify the particular characteristics but eventually realizes something is different. G3 is all about those subtleties.Here's a comparison of our reference 50W Plexi and the G3 model, not necessarily in that order.http://www.fractalaudio.com/tmp/g3.mp3
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_dblmko_, нет, г3 и рефренсный Плекси
The first one is the model. The second is a 1972 50W Plexi. It may need some new caps though, the low end is a bit thin on it. The supply caps have been replaced but I'm wondering about some of the interstage caps. I don't know what the aging characteristics of those caps are.The point wasn't to show the frequency response accuracy, that's trivial (you can Tone Match if you want it exact) and no two amps are exactly the same due to component tolerances. The point was to show the breakup characteristics. Listen to how the notes go "crunch, brrrrrrrr" instead of "crunch, fizzzzzzz". I've spent months researching and perfecting note decay. FWIW, you can NOT replicate that note decay using the common waveshaper techniques in the literature. It requires a very different type of clipping technology.
Первый пример G3 второй оригинал.
Ждем G3. ... и добавил: я думал, это g2 и g3 сравниваются. И думаю, почему же разницы нет практически