Вот бета прошивка за номером 20 подоспела
http://www.fractalaudio.com/downloads/firmware-presets/axe-fx-2/20.0/axefx2_20p00beta1.ziphttp://www.fractalaudio.com/downloads/firmware-presets/axe-fx-2/20.0/axefx2_xl_20p00beta1.ziphttp://www.fractalaudio.com/downloads/firmware-presets/axe-fx-2/20.0/axefx2_xlplus_20p00beta1.zipЧто нового :
Added “Dephase” control to Cabinet block. This parameter controls a
sophisticated process that removes the “phasiness” from IRs and can yield a more
“in the room” experience. Note that the processing required is extreme and the
control can have some lag. No extra CPU usage or audio latency, however, is
Greatly improved cathode follower model in Amp block. New model more accurately
simulates dynamic resistance of follower. This results in a more pleasing
distortion character and better feel, especially at high compression settings.
The associated “CF Comp” parameter has been renamed “Preamp Comp” because most
guitar players don’t know and don’t care what is a Cathode Follower. Due to the
new follower model existing presets will be updated with new default
compression, time and ratio values.
Added a new mode to the “Character” controls in the Amp block. A Char Type of
“Dynamic” engages an exciting new mode of tone control. This can be used to
fatten or scoop the tone as a function of picking strength. For example, set
the Type to Dynamic, Char Freq to 450.0, Char Q to 0.7 and Char Amt to 4.0.
This will cause the tone to get fatter and thicker as you play hard but without
getting honky when playing soft.
“G3’d” the Vibrato Verb AA and AB amp models. Also added a “Vibrato Verb CS”
model which is based on a Vibroverb Custom Reissue with the Mod switch on. Note
that the Transformer Matching value for this model is based on the output
transformer in the actual amp. Legend has it that SRV used a Bassman
transformer which would lead to significant overmatching. To replicate this
increase Xfrmr Match to around 1.8.
“G3’d” the Solo 99 models. Note that the actual preamp’s bright switch in the
Lead mode is different than a typical bright switch and works after the gain
stages. To simulate this set the Bright knob to around 4.0 dB.
Added four “JMPre-1” models based on a Marshall JMP-1 rack preamp. The existing
“Brit Pre” model was not changed as it is used by several prominent “A-list”
artists. Instead, four new models were added. The models with “BS” in the name
indicate that the Bass Shift function is engaged. Note that the model defaults
to the power amp simulation active. The power amp model is based on a typical
Marshall 100W power amp of that era.
Added 512 more User Cab slots to XL and XL+ models.
Fixed Dry Delay Shift parameter not working in Flanger block. The parameter has
been renamed to Dry Delay and works differently (and more intuitively). The
parameter now sets the delay time of the dry signal as a percentage of the
maximum delay time of the wet signal. For classic thru-zero flanging this
parameter should be set to 50%. For interesting new sounds experiment with
lower or higher values. Note that this parameter has no effect if Through Zero
is set to Off.
Fixed a wrong DC bias in the Recto models. Probably not audible but done for
sake of accuracy.
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