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Оффлайн Morbit

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Вот и я уже задумался что действительно раз в год будет достаточно

прошу игнорировать нижеуказанную информацию. Ваше обновление будет ждать Вас в 2017 году (чтобы было слышно измнения) :)))))

для всех остальных - ниже новая бета

Axe-Fx II Quantum Rev 3.00 Public Beta 2

Mark I/II:



Release Notes:


Improved Amp block output transformer modeling. New model more accurately simulates dynamic core losses and leakage inductance. The Dyn Pres knob controls the intensity of the effect (as before) but only allows positive values now. Higher values result in more high frequency response and a more “open” sound. Very high values can yield a raspy, spitty tone common in vintage and/or low wattage amps. Modern “big iron” amps tend to have low values. Note that the audibility is dependent upon how hard the virtual power amp is driven and is more noticeable as the MV is increased. Existing presets will be updated to new default values upon recall. Also note that the effect in real amps is highly dependent on the speaker. Some speaker/transformer combinations exhibit significant high frequency dynamic boost while other combinations yield almost none. As always use your ears as the final determinant.

Improved triode plate modeling for cases when plate load is complex.

Improved Ruby Rocket models frequency response accuracy vs. Drive knob. Existing presets should be reset by either deselecting and reselecting the amp model or by turning the Low Cut Freq parameter to 10.0.

Extended the range of the Amp block Hi Cut Freq parameter to 400 Hz to 40 kHz. As this changes the preset storage format, existing presets will be automatically updated to use default values.

Added “Dweezil’s B-man” amp model based on a modified Fender Bassman as used by Dweezil Zappa.

Added “Friedman BE/HBE” models based on an original Friedman “Marsha”. These are the original BE/HBE models from firmware prior to 2.03.

Fixed wrong default Tube Bias value in Recto1 and Recto2 amp models.

Оффлайн Tauric

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Накатал демку Schecter USA PT Telecaster с АКСом (прошивка 2.4):

Оффлайн realexxx

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Отлично  :alc:

Оффлайн Tauric

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Оффлайн Roman Fadeyev

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Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 3.00 Firmware Release


Please read this carefully if you are coming from one of the 3.00 beta versions:

The Dynamic Presence knob is now the way it was in 2.04 and earlier. A NEW parameter has been added called "Xfrmr Grind" (Transformer Grind). This parameter does what Dyn Pres did in the 3.00 beta versions. So now it's the best of both worlds.

Axe-Edit has NOT been updated yet so the Transformer Grind parameter can only be accessed via the front panel until Axe-Edit is updated.

Existing presets will be updated to default Transformer Grind and Dynamic Presence values upon recall. So make a mental note of where you were setting Dynamic Presence and set Transformer Grind to that value.

Mark I/II:



Improved Amp block output transformer modeling. New model more accurately simulates dynamic core losses and leakage inductance. The “Xfrmr Grind” knob controls the intensity of the effect. Higher values result in more high frequency response and a more “open” sound. Very high values can yield a raspy, spitty tone common in vintage and/or low wattage amps. Modern “big iron” amps tend to have low values. Note that the audibility is dependent upon how hard the virtual power amp is driven and is more noticeable as the MV is increased. Also note that the effect in real amps is highly dependent on the speaker. Some speaker/transformer combinations exhibit significant high frequency dynamic boost while other combinations yield almost none. As always use your ears as the final determinant.*
Improved triode plate modeling for cases when plate load is complex.
Improved Ruby Rocket models frequency response accuracy vs. Drive knob. Existing presets should be reset by either deselecting and reselecting the amp model or by turning the Low Cut Freq parameter to 10.0.
Extended the range of the Amp block Hi Cut Freq parameter to 400 Hz to 40 kHz. As this changes the preset storage format, existing presets will be automatically updated to use default values.
Added “Dweezil’s B-man” amp model based on a modified Fender Bassman as used by Dweezil Zappa.
Added “Friedman BE/HBE” models based on an original Friedman “Marsha”. These are the original BE/HBE models from firmware prior to 2.03.
Fixed wrong default Tube Bias value in Recto1 and Recto2 amp models.
Fixed importing Cab blocks from Axe-Edit library not working properly.
*Note: The Transformer Grind parameter will be set to a default value and the Dynamic Presence parameter will be reset to 0.0 for any presets created with previous firmware.

Оффлайн Morbit

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Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 3.00 Firmware Release

EDIT: Firmware has been removed pending issue with Axe-Edit

Оффлайн Roman Fadeyev

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EDIT: Firmware has been removed pending issue with Axe-Edit

да... и правда.. но вот тут есть уже исправленная 3.01  8)
на форуме пока нет информации об этой версии
Release Notes от 3.00 в архиве
.. торопится Клиф с релизами .. похоже что 3.01 тож не без глюков

... и добавил:

а вот и инфа с форума

Please read this carefully if you are coming from one of the 3.00 beta versions:

The Dynamic Presence knob is now the way it was in 2.04 and earlier. A NEW parameter has been added called "Xfrmr Grind" (Transformer Grind). This parameter does what Dyn Pres did in the 3.00 beta versions. So now it's the best of both worlds.

Axe-Edit has NOT been updated yet so the Transformer Grind parameter can only be accessed via the front panel until Axe-Edit is updated.

Existing presets will be updated to default Transformer Grind and Dynamic Presence values upon recall. So make a mental note of where you were setting Dynamic Presence and set Transformer Grind to that value.

Due to an incompatibility with Axe-Edit any presets created with 3.00 will have Transformer Grind and Dynamic Presence values set to default values upon recall. Otherwise there an no changes from 3.00.

Mark I/II:


« Последнее редактирование: Апреля 25, 2016, 21:45:15 от Roman Fadeyev »

Оффлайн Roman Fadeyev

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« Последнее редактирование: Января 11, 2021, 10:35:55 от Roman Fadeyev »

Оффлайн Cafe

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« Последнее редактирование: Апреля 27, 2016, 21:51:51 от Cafe »

Оффлайн Roman Fadeyev

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« Последнее редактирование: Апреля 28, 2016, 13:43:50 от Roman Fadeyev »

Оффлайн body_cut

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Я свое общение с аксом уже только с квантума начал, посему вопрос: до пришествия квантума билды прошивки так же абсурдно быстро обновлялись ?

Оффлайн vangrieg

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Я свое общение с аксом уже только с квантума начал, посему вопрос: до пришествия квантума билды прошивки так же абсурдно быстро обновлялись ?

На второй круг идем? :)

Да. Можно не обновляться.

Оффлайн Flamefork

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Кстати, тоже интересно, всегда так было или только в последнее время. Не одобряю, но сам такой же на работе :)

Оффлайн Ka_Status

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Всегда прошивки обновлялись часто. Кому не нравится - обновляйтесь нечасто. Или купите Л6 - там вас не будут чаще, чем раз в полгода беспокоить. И это будет Событие :)))))

Оффлайн realexxx

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