Axe-Fx II Quantum Firmware Release Notes
Improved speaker overdrive modeling in Amp block. New algorithm captures the “throaty” sound of an overdriven speaker along with the gentle compression. The “Spkr Drv” (Speaker Drive) parameter has been moved to the Spkr tab on the Amp menu. NOTE: If you are using Speaker Drive in existing presets you should audition these presets and adjust the parameter as necessary as the sound and behavior of the algorithm is considerably different than before. NOTE: This change affects all modeling versions as the algorithm is outside the archived modeling functions. I.e. if you change the Modeling Version parameter you will NOT get the old speaker overdrive algorithm.
Improved Drive model frequency response accuracy for models based on op-amp architectures. Models now behave with near-perfect accuracy even when Drive control is set to extreme values.
Added “Timothy” Drive model based on a Paul Cochrane “Timmy”.
Updated “BB PRE” Drive model.
Fixed “PI FUZZ” output level too low. The Drive and Level tapers have also been changed so any presets using this model should be auditioned and adjusted accordingly.
Fixed wrong capacitor value in “Esoteric ACB” Drive model. Any presets using this model should be auditioned and the model deselected and reselected to reset the internal parameters.
Fixed wrong value in “Hipower Jumped” amp model.