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Оффлайн vangrieg

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stratovalius, на EV5 нет крутилки сбоку? На всех фото есть, в спеках есть, у меня на четырех педалях есть, а у тебя нет? Странно.

Оффлайн stratovalius

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Ни когда не задумывался об этой серой штуке) Попробую потестить. Спасибо!

Оффлайн Morbit

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Зацените-ка наш медлячок из нового альбома. Всё записано на Axe-Fx


PS. Особенно важно для нас мнение Cafe (неделю уже не сплю по ночам после его прошлой рецензии) :)))))))))

Оффлайн stratovalius

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Гитары хорошо так. Сведение - потом у вас все будет еще круче, лишь бы не останавливались.
Вокал вообще слабовато.

Сегодня нашел вариант руления пресета для акустической гитары.
Кабинет отсутствует, в качестве усилителя - Tube Pre.

Оффлайн PKN

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Мне понравилась песня

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Оффлайн Cafe

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Зацените-ка наш медлячок из нового альбома. Всё записано на Axe-Fx


PS. Особенно важно для нас мнение Cafe (неделю уже не сплю по ночам после его прошлой рецензии) :)))))))))
Эта норм. Гитарки по моему АКС. Знакомый жжж

Оффлайн vulf

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  • Тута девки живут, нами еще не мятые

и обезьяне отказались от лампы  :D :D :D :D

Оффлайн corbandallass

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Да уж...)) Какое везение ,презентация прибора покрытого мхом)

... и добавил:

Первый 2011 г второй 2015,зачто ж вынас так рязанцев не любите ))

Оффлайн Morbit

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Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 7.00 Firmware Release

Mark I/II:



Axe-Fx II Quantum Firmware Release Notes



Improved phase inverter modeling in Amp block. This provides thicker power amp distortion. New algorithm also includes bias shifting which results in more harmonic spectrum variation with input amplitude. This improves feel, “knock” and creates sweeter single note soloing. The new “PI Bias Shift” parameter controls the amount of phase inverter bias shift. Note that some real amps are “spitty” in nature due to PI bias shifting, i.e. Trainwrecks, and the new algorithm is designed to replicate that behavior accurately. If you find the behavior undesirable reduce the PI Bias Shift value as desired although this will reduce authenticity.

Improved output transformer modeling. This results in tighter, less boomy and smoother bass when the virtual power amp is driven hard. Note that this change may be significant and initially alarming with certain amp models. While the new algorithms are much more accurate they may be disconcerting to those who are accustomed to the old algorithms. In these cases the user may want to decrease the Transformer Drive and/or Low Res parameters in the amp block at the expense of accuracy. It is recommended instead, however, to readjust other parameters in the preset (i.e. Drive, BMT, etc.) which will achieve more authentic results.

Improved Amp block cathode follower modeling (again). This results in tighter bass and “chunkier” tones. As a result nearly all amp models that use cathode followers have been reworked with updated parameters. It is recommended that the model be reloaded by deselecting and reselecting the desired model which will load the pertinent default values. Models that have benefited the most from this include:
- Bogfish
- Brit 800
- CA3+
- Cameron CCV
- Corncob
- Dizzy V4 Blue
- Dizzy V4 Silver
- Herbie
- Recto1 and Recto2
- Solo 88, 99 and 100

Changed default value of Speaker Drive to 0.5. When selecting an amp model the Speaker Drive parameter will now default to a value of 0.5 which is commensurate with a small amount of speaker breakup. Adjust this value to taste, if desired. If using the Axe-Fx II with a power amp and conventional guitar speakers you may want to reduce this value as the guitar speakers will impart their own distortion.

Fixed mistake in preamp compression algorithm.

Added “Dirty Shirley 2” amp model based on an earlier version of this amp with some different component values. This model is a little more aggressive than the regular model.

Changed “Bludojai Clean” amp model so that “Pre-Amp Bypass” is off (Pre-Amp Bypass actually bypasses the tone stack and increases the gain so it should be more correctly referred to as “Tone Stack Bypass”).

Added “Brit 800 #34” amp model based on the “Santiago #34” modifications.

Changed taper of Overdrive control in “USA Lead” amp models so that control is not so abrupt.

Replaced following OwnHammer factory cabs with new IRs (see Note 2):
- Cab #57 with “4x12 MAR PR-H55 FULL”
- Cab #142 with “1x12 DLX P12R Fat”
- Cab #146 with “4x10 SUPER VERB CTS FAT”
- Cab #148 with “4x12 MAR PR-M20B FULL”
- Cab #149 with “4x12 TRAD V60 FULL”

Added five new cabs comprised of our favorite mixes from several of our latest cab packs (only available for XL and XL+):
- 1x12 Class-A 15W Mix
- 1x15 Vibrato Verb Mix
- 2x12 Class-A 30W Mix
- 4x10 SuperVerb Mix
- 4x12 Greenback Mix

Fixed missing feedback network capacitor in all “Recto” models. This results in extended bass response.

Fixed mistakes in “Euro” amp models.

Fixed mistakes in “Cameron” amp models.

Fixed several mistakes in “Shiver” amp models.

Fixed mistakes in “Hot Kitty” amp model.

Fixed wrong transformer match value in “Citrus Terrier” model.

Fixed “Ruby Rocket” and “Ruby Rocket Brt” model names swapped. The amp’s bright switch is logically backwards (bright on is switch down).

Fixed input gain slightly too high in “Solo 88 Cln” model.

Fixed wrong phase inverter tail resistor and snubber capacitor values in “Brit AFS100” models.

Fixed wrong screen resistor value in all “PVH” models.

Fixed can’t cancel controller “Learn Mode” in I/O->CTRL menu.

Fixed Custom Shift menu error in Pitch block.

1. This firmware has significant changes to the core algorithms. While every attempt has been made to ensure compatibility with existing presets it is recommended that the amp block be reset by deselecting and reselecting the desired amp model to load the new default values and the preset then auditioned and readjusted as necessary.

2. Fractal Audio Systems is pleased to announce that our online store will be carrying a new series of OwnHammer Cab Packs containing high-quality IRs for use with the Axe-Fx II, AX8, or Cab-Lab. In addition, OwnHammer has provided five new IRs to replace some of the factory cabs they provided previously, including one free sample from the new, "OwnHammer 412 Mar Green Vintage" available now at http://shop.fractalaudio.com. This pack contains some of the best IRs we've ever heard and is simply a "must have" for vintage 4x12 "Brit Green" tones.

Оффлайн Ringman

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« Ответ #7045 : Марта 05, 2017, 23:14:48 »
[Автор удалил свое сообщение по неизвестной причине]
« Последнее редактирование: Апреля 09, 2022, 21:44:14 от Ringman »

Оффлайн Morbit

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Пересвести однако нужно с новой прошивкой.
А то альбом записан с ошибкой в алгоритме преампов :hitrez:

:))))) вся ночь впереди...

... и добавил:

Axe-Edit 3.13.0 Released


If you have previously installed a Quantum 7.00 public beta and are now running Quantum 7.00 Release, please select "Refresh after new FW" from the Settings menu of Axe-Edit to get the lastest firmware definitions.

Release Notes

New Features

1. Increased the size of the Auto-Update dialog to allow more space for the current release notes.

2. Added the Learn parameter to the PITCH block's "Cust. Shift" type for firmware Quantum 6.03 or greater.

3. Modified the AMP block's "Power Amp" tab.
a. Added "PI Bias Shift" for connected devices running Quantum 7.00 or greater.
b. Moved "Pwr Tube Grid Bias" from the "Power Sply" page to the "Power Amp" page.
c. Moved "MV Cap" next to the "MV Location" parameter.
d. Added the "Presence Shift" button for the USA PRE LD2 models.

4. The bank number is now prefixed to preset numbers in AxeManage:presets.

5. Added a small arrowhead symbol next to the "Scene Select" label. Clicking this arrow displays the scene context menu. The context menu is still displayed by right-clicking any of the scene buttons.

6. Grid Navigation Mode allows the keyboard up/down/left/right keys to move freely throughout the grid. When Grid Navigation Mode is enabled, the grid will be highlighted with a dashed yellow rectangle.
a. In Grid Navigation Mode selected blocks will not query and display their associated parameters. However, keyboard shortcuts such as SPACE and X will allow block states to be toggled.
b. Grid Navigation Mode will remain enabled while blocks are inserted, connected, or scenes are changed (either by keyboard shortcuts or buttons) for quick preset building.
c. Grid Navigation Mode also remains enabled during preset changing, saving, and other operations until explicitly turned off.
d. To enter Grid Navigation Mode:
i. SHIFT+CTRL+G (Windows)
e. To exit Grid Navigation Mode:
i. ESC will exit without selecting anything.
ii. ENTER will exit causing the currently selected block to query and display its parameters.
iii. Selecting the CONTROLLERS button will exit and display the CONTROLLERS parameters.

7. Added the ability to enumerate and connect to different Axe-Fx II devices concurrently connected to the computer.
a. Choose "Show available devices..." from the Tools menu, or hot-key CTRL+K (Windows) / CMD+K (MAC), to launch the AVAILABLE DEVICES dialog.
b. Click the SCAN button to allow the editor to scan the applicable MIDI ports for connected devices.
c. When SCAN is complete, click on a device in the list box and select CONNECT to change the connection.
d. Click CANCEL to close the dialog box and reinstate the last connection.
e. Please note: The editor will display "Disconnected!" in the upper-left hand corner of the application when the AVAILABLE DEVICES dialog is launch. The current connection is closed in order to scan all the applicable MIDI ports.

8. Removed the confirmation dialog that is displayed before Block Definitions are read in favor of displaying a bubble message at the top of the editor screen. The message will show for 10 seconds before automatically disappearing.

Bug Fixes

1. Upon launching Axe-Edit, the Refresh Block Definitions dialog and Software Update dialog no longer overlap on the screen preventing user input.
« Последнее редактирование: Марта 06, 2017, 19:19:38 от Morbit »

Оффлайн Cafe

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как звук?

Оффлайн realexxx

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Металлика просто курит  :)

Оффлайн Cafe

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Металлика просто курит  :)
итак :
МТ- звук из изокаба, полный  тру аналог
Vbn - акс - эмуляция Recto

вывод ???;D ;D