Автор Тема: AxeFX II Reamp VIDEO Judas Priest!!! Mark Day  (Прочитано 2039 раз)

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Re: AxeFX II Reamp VIDEO Judas Priest!!! Mark Day
« Ответ #15 : Июля 04, 2011, 05:37:04 »
Humble-Bee, микс не очень, повторюсь, но в остальном пишешь ерунду

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Re: AxeFX II Reamp VIDEO Judas Priest!!! Mark Day
« Ответ #16 : Июля 04, 2011, 09:15:55 »
Humble-Bee, Выложи свою злую версию...очень интересно ;)

Mark Day, Very good as always!Thanks for you!

Оффлайн Andrew87

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Re: AxeFX II Reamp VIDEO Judas Priest!!! Mark Day
« Ответ #17 : Июля 05, 2011, 02:01:12 »
ох ничего себе, не знал что он тут на форуме :crazy:просто нереально клевый звук

Оффлайн Крюгер

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Re: AxeFX II Reamp VIDEO Judas Priest!!! Mark Day
« Ответ #18 : Июля 06, 2011, 02:36:27 »
Hehe, yes, thanks for the advice.  I actually play harder(with more force) than it looks and I go through many strings :) I am 50 and I'm only angry with politicians now :)


Great answer, lol  ;D

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Re: AxeFX II Reamp VIDEO Judas Priest!!! Mark Day
« Ответ #19 : Июля 06, 2011, 11:29:56 »
Mark Day, your face is not enough angry, try to fix it and I'm sure, even Humble-Bee, will like your sound too ;D
You're great, as always :appl:.

I am 50 and I'm only angry with politicians now :)
Politicians are guilty because of your age? ;D Beat them hard! :smileytroll:

I've heard nearly 80% (maybe more) people of USA are totally apolitycal

Talkin' about the translaters, did You try this one?
It makes not so bad job, if to write simple frazes in full-spell words
Maybe you already know, but just in case
Английский means English
Русский means Russian

Оффлайн Mark Day Автор темы

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Re: AxeFX II Reamp VIDEO Judas Priest!!! Mark Day
« Ответ #20 : Июля 06, 2011, 23:10:57 »
Mark Day, your face is not enough angry, try to fix it and I'm sure, even Humble-Bee, will like your sound too ;D
You're great, as always :appl:.
Politicians are guilty because of your age? ;D Beat them hard! :smileytroll:

I've heard nearly 80% (maybe more) people of USA are totally apolitycal

Talkin' about the translaters, did You try this one?
It makes not so bad job, if to write simple frazes in full-spell words
Maybe you already know, but just in case
Английский means English
Русский means Russian
Mark Day, your face is not enough angry, try to fix it and I'm sure, even Humble-Bee, will like your sound too ;D
You're great, as always :appl:.
Politicians are guilty because of your age? ;D Beat them hard! :smileytroll:

I've heard nearly 80% (maybe more) people of USA are totally apolitycal

Talkin' about the translaters, did You try this one?
It makes not so bad job, if to write simple frazes in full-spell words
Maybe you already know, but just in case
Английский means English
Русский means Russian

Thanks!!!  I am Canadian, it's difficult to look angry lol


Оффлайн encrusted

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Re: AxeFX II Reamp VIDEO Judas Priest!!! Mark Day
« Ответ #21 : Июля 06, 2011, 23:59:30 »
Mark Day - magnificently :good: Thanks... :chelobiting:

Оффлайн Владимир Владимирович

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Re: AxeFX II Reamp VIDEO Judas Priest!!! Mark Day
« Ответ #22 : Июля 07, 2011, 00:46:30 »
You have a very weak attack on this video. Try to play a more energetic, more angry, more panch.

Judas Priest - Electric Eye Live Rising in the East

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Re: AxeFX II Reamp VIDEO Judas Priest!!! Mark Day
« Ответ #23 : Июля 07, 2011, 01:33:51 »
« Последнее редактирование: Июля 07, 2011, 02:03:02 от ytrikoz »