Не спеша сравниваем блоки питания Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2+ и CIOKS DC-10. Два врага в смертельной конкурентной борьбе.
Specification / feature CIOKS DC10 Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2+
Number of outlets 10 8
Number of isolated sections 8 8
Total stated maximum output current 1.600mA 1) 1.100mA / 840mA 2)
Maximum total load with no ripple/hum 1.360mA (85%) 3) 880mA (80%) 4)
Output power at maximum total load 16,4W 7,9W
Toroidal transformer Yes Yes
Additional magnetic shielding of transformer Yes No
High current 400mA sections 3 None
15V outlet for Radial Tonebone pedals Yes No
Outlets with adjustable voltage (SAG) None 2
Short circuit protection on all outlets Yes Yes
Advanced LED monitoring of each section Yes No
Temperature monitoring Yes No
115V/230V mains voltage selector switch Yes No
Mains AC inlet and power socket hidden Yes No
Rear courtesy auxiliary AC outlet No Yes
Number of power cables (Flex) included 16 11
Voltage doubling cables for 18/24V included 2 None
Mounting kit for pedal boards included Yes No
Dimensions excl. rubber feet (W x D x H) 158 x 98 x 34mm 155 x 85 x 45mm
Volume 526cm3 593cm3
Weight 1,1kg 0,9kg
Carbon steel enclosure wall thickness 2,0mm top & 1,3mm all 1,3mm
Warranty period 5 years 5 years
Ценник одинаковый одинаковый