~HateToFeel~ Платное ревью Брета Кингмана на SCS педали было выложено на Ю-тубе, а вот это Брет написал в своём личном Фэйсбуке для своих друзей:
I rarely post reviews on my own page but I thought you'd like to see this as it has certainly impressed me.
I've seen, tried and heard some pretty good ideas this year, but I have to say that this SCS (secret connecting system) is without a doubt one of the best.
The pedals - which all sound great - are connected internally with RJ11 cables (one end on the bottom of the pedal itself, one end inside the SCS pedal board). This results in, 1. space economy; 2. easy power distribution (the total current draw is about 150mA. You can feed any one of the pedals and all of them share the power. Brilliant); and 3. it's incredibly quiet.
All of the pedals are True Bypass and all sound as good or better than many of their peers. Much attention has obviously been paid on getting the sounds right. The pedals can be purchased and used independently like any other stomp box; they are not exclusively tied to this system.
The total length of the assembled board is 52cm. Tiny!
At the moment this is the available range of pedals for guitar but I believe more are on the way. Can't wait. Bass pedals are also available.
I will post a demo shortly as I'm sure you'll be wanting to hear these pedals. I've tried them briefly with various guitars and all of the pedals are killers. In fact, the Delay is one of the sweetest I've heard from any company.
Это насчёт "не хуже их"

Насчёт лесбиянки - конечно шутка, но замучали СМИ, чем быстрее растут цены в результате НАШИХ санкций ИМ, тем больше обсуждается опасность гей-пропаганды. Думаю при курсе доллара свыше 100руб начнутся расстрелы

Предзаказы - это сюда
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