Вот, что пишет народ на sevenstring.org:
1.) After playing a powerball, what can be expected in comparison? (tone, feel)
Less fizz, more cut, more djent, more responsive feel, more tubey sound and harmonics, 3d sound, rich chords, really nice clean channel, incredible mid gain tones
Much more pick sensitivity, dynamics, versatility, and complexity. I love the Powerball but it is pretty much a turd in comparison. The Invader offers SOOOO much more!
2.) What cab is best suited for it? (so far it looks like the vader 4x12 is winning)
vader 4x12 sounds amazing, the only thing that sounds better is an orange 4x12 with v30s
I've only tried it with a Vader and I have no reason to try anything else. There's nothing I don't like about my cab and this amp together.
3.) With having el34's, does it have marshall like characteristics?
not really at all, its super tight and does not rely on powertube distortion, its a precise and very smooth and polished sound if that makes sense.
Yes and no. Channel 2 sounds old school Marshally to me and channel 4 can coax some TSL-but-better tones but they're only there if you want them and much better tones are available than Marshall-like tones.
4.) Does it take well to overdrive pedals? ( a la' bloody murder)
it responds better to my tubescreamers than any other amp i have tried, it is VERY pedal friendly, way moreso than a powerball for sure
Oh HELL yea! Channel 3 with an overdrive = the best metal tone I've ever heard. Channels 2 and 4 take it just as good and an overdrive turns channel 2 in to a liquid-lead machine!
5.) Do those blue LED's look as cool in person as in the pictures?
they look way cooler in person and even better on stage!
Усилитель потрясный, судя по отзывам, сам к нему присматриваюсь. Огромный минус - цена.