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The new ENGL TUBE POWERAMP E810! Available spring 2014! Technical features at a glance: Stereo tube poweramp with EL84 power tubes delivering 2 x 20 watts; two poweramp channels Left and Right; Volume A and Volume B control for each channel; Input Gain Level switch; Sound Set Feature: Presence A control knob and Depth A control knob, Presence B control knob and Depth B control knob, enables the access to different tonal settings of the poweramp; Volume A/B switching and Sound Set A/B can be remote controlled via the Z-4 footswitch or a Switcher connected to the stereo footswitch jack; Stand By switch Left and Right; Ground Lift switch; build in very silent running fan; Poweramp Outputs: 8 ohms and 16 ohms each channel; 4 x EL34 power tubes, 3 x 12AX7/ECC83 Preamp tube and phase splitter tubes; 19” rack unit, 1U; low weight, very compact unit through one rack unit height only; Absolute authentic tube sound due to fully tube technology featuring the typical EL84 sound character!
я практически Энштейн среди собак
Stereo tube poweramp with EL84 power tubes delivering 2 x 20 watts; two poweramp channels Left and Right; Volume A and Volume B control for each channel; Input Gain Level switch;
Poweramp Outputs: 8 ohms and 16 ohms each channel; 4 x EL34 power tubes, 3 x 12AX7/ECC83 Preamp tube and phase splitter tubes;
Очередное чудо с 84-ками и миниатюрными трансами ЗАЧЕМ?
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