А, ну в общем-то все неплохо. Конечно, до количества эффектов и Ампов от Line 6 им еще далековато, но кому-то и столько хватит ведь.
Работа с Аблтоном радует, я сейчас в нем и пытаюсь работать.

А вот и спеки:
ElectronicsEffects Loop: Effects Loop
Inputs: One Input
Auxiliary Input: 1/8" Aux Input
Headphone Jack: One
Line Out: One Line Out
Speaker Jack: Two Unbalanced Out Jacks (L and R)
Controls: 9 Foot Switches, Preset Access Knob, Amp button, Stomp button, Mod button, Delay button, Reverb button, Utility button, Save button, Exit button
HardwareAmplifier Depth: 20.5" (52.1 cm)
Amplifier Width: 8.7" (22 cm)
Amplifier Height: 3.25" (82.55 mm)
Amplifier Weight: 9 lbs. (4.08 kg)
Effects: 12 Amp Models, 7 Stomp Effects, 11 Modulation Effects, 9 Delay Effects, and 10 Reverb Effects
Unique Features:100 fully customizable presets with dozens of built-in effects, amplifier models and speaker simulation, full integration with Fender® FUSE™ software for use with computer, dual-mode footswitch buttons for selecting presets in one mode and bypassing effects in second mode, tap/tune footswitch button for tapping in delay times and optional MS-4 four button footswitch (P/N 0080996000) available for additional features.