Ребята FM3 Edit обнову выкатили:
VERSION 1.05.01
July 13, 2021
* Corrected the AMP block layout to show "Speaker Impedance" on the Power Amp page.
* Corrected the flashing of the Picker window for the Library control (formerly Block Library).
* Corrected the sorting of the Library items in the Library / Recall menu. This menu is found in the top-level Block and grid context menus.
* Modified the Modifier dialog to force a refresh of the parameters when the Source parameter is changed.
* Corrected the "Set All" feature to accept floating point values in the Controllers Sequencer, Scene Ctrl 1+2, and Scene Ctrl 3+4 pages.
* Corrected the conversion of the Per-Preset Performance block for presets imported from the Axe-Fx III.
* Added an "All Scenes" submenu to the Channels menu, which is found on the left side of the main parameter editing panel. This is copy of the "All Scenes" submenu as found in the top-level Blocks menu.
* Manage Presets now includes an "Export as Blocks in Library" context menu item. This will export the blocks for each selected preset to the Library folder, which is set in the editor's Preferences. The blocks are saved in a timestamped directory with the format YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS ("20210709-093339", for example), under which will be directories for each preset.
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ни хрена не понятно, но очень интересно...