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оказывается 17 августа вышла новая прошивка для FM3 ^))
как я пропустил это событие не понимаю

на всякий случай
FM3 Firmware Release Notes
* Added Poweramp On/Off parameter to the Amp block. This removes Power Amp control from the "Supply Sag" parameter and makes it a separate independent control.
* Added "Indicate Edited on Scene Change" to in Setup: General Settings: Config page. This determines whether or not Scene changes cause the "EDITED" LED to light.
* Added Compander parameters to Delay block.
* Added Compander type to Compressor block. The Transients control adjusts the transient modification. Values less than zero soften the attack, value greater than zero emphasize the attack.
* Added "Presets" Utilities page to upgrade Presets stored in flash to the currently installed firmware version. When executed, all presets stored in flash with an older version of the firmware will be upgraded to the currently installed firmware version and automatically re-saved to flash. This process can take up to 20 minutes but will speed up preset changes.
* Improved Rotary block "Drive".
* Updated Multiband Compressor block with changes made on AxeFx-III.
* The Global Performance Controls from Amp 1 have a new layout with Drive, Master, and Level in one row. To see this change, you would need to perform Reset System Parameters (NOTE: This action resets all system parameters and will also initialize Footswitch Layouts.)
* Greatly reduced CPU requirements of the White and Pink noise oscillators in the Synth block.
* Improved behavior of Synth block Shift control when attached to a modifier.
* Increased gain range of Filter block and input EQ in Amp block to +/-20 dB.
* Fixed FAS Brootalz model inadvertently referencing the Angle Severe presence network.
* Fixed pop when switching channels on Input block when using different gate types.
* Fixed Master Time not working in Plex block for Plex Detune and Plex Shift types.
* Fixed NaN in Stereo Tri-Chorus if Delay Time and Rate are set to minimum.
* FC Fixed: Built-in OMG15 corrections.
* FC Fixed: The FC layout displayed above Home: Knob E will now update correctly.
* FC Fixed: Mini-LCD displays will now display the correct information for Preset, Select in Bank functions when Display Offset is set to "1".
* FC: Changed how Bank Switch Limits work. In the previous firmware version, a setting was added to enable whether or not bank limits are enforced or ignored. This required making a change to every switch in every layout when you wanted to turn limits on or off. This feature has been REMOVED and REPLACED with a new Global option found in Setup: FC…: Config. "Bank Switch Limits" can now be globally enabled or disabled via this new parameter.