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Оффлайн _livid

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Re: Fractal Audio FM3
« Ответ #2730 : Февраля 02, 2022, 19:00:31 »

проверял новую версию вчера...
фм3 эдит сказал что стоит самая свежая...

отсюда качай

Оффлайн ilya_z

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Re: Fractal Audio FM3
« Ответ #2731 : Февраля 08, 2022, 23:32:35 »
Вышла новая бета...

FM3 Firmware Version 5.00 beta 2 is now available for download:

A new version of FM3-Edit is required for this release:

из интересного по сравнению с бетой 1 , пожалуй:

Integrated the newest “Cygnus X2” amp modeling from Axe-Fx III using the Chase Nonlinear Feedback (CNFB) technique for the solution of nonlinear ODEs. This provides improved accuracy, especially in the clipping and power supply sag behavior vs. frequency.
Improved CPU performance of the Reverb block.

New options in the I/O: AUDIO menu features allow greater routing flexibility of USB audio.
New “USB 1/2 Playback Destination” parameter allows computer audio from USB 1/2 to be sent to either Output 1 L+R (the default and previous behavior) or Output 2L+R. This allows for the easy separation of processed guitar to Out 1 and default computer system audio to Output 2.
If you use only Output 2, you can now hear both processed guitar and USB audio by using the settings Output 2 Copy: OUTPUT 1 and USB 1/2 Playback Destination: OUTPUT 2.
New “OUTPUT 1” option for “USB 3/4 Playback Destination” allows routing USB 3/4 to Out 1.
(This gives FM3 the same “USB Output mapping” capabilities as Axe-Fx III and FM9.)

Оффлайн Semik

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Re: Fractal Audio FM3
« Ответ #2732 : Февраля 09, 2022, 00:56:37 »
Уже 3-я бета вышла… А 2-я с косячком получилась, так что лучше не ставить. Да скоро и финал обещают, если тут ничего не найдут, нового уже не должно ничего быть.

Даже 4-я уже… релиз скоро
« Последнее редактирование: Февраля 09, 2022, 01:52:19 от Semik »

Оффлайн hrg

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Re: Fractal Audio FM3
« Ответ #2733 : Февраля 09, 2022, 09:55:31 »
Даже 4-я уже… релиз скоро

уже :)


PS Любителям твикать педальки - появился новый диод 1S1588T, очень интересное звучание, как будто 1S1588 с доп. низом
« Последнее редактирование: Февраля 09, 2022, 09:57:38 от hrg »

Оффлайн _livid

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Re: Fractal Audio FM3
« Ответ #2734 : Февраля 09, 2022, 11:41:32 »
Богатая на беты неделька выдалась  ;D

Оффлайн acuba777

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Re: Fractal Audio FM3
« Ответ #2735 : Февраля 10, 2022, 20:50:46 »
релиз 5.0 вышел

Оффлайн _livid

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Re: Fractal Audio FM3
« Ответ #2736 : Февраля 10, 2022, 20:52:53 »
релиз 5.0 вышел

пошел пробовать, ибо беты не ставил

... и добавил:

это нормально, что пресеты более хай-гейново звучать стали?
« Последнее редактирование: Февраля 10, 2022, 23:19:41 от _livid »

Оффлайн VaDeR

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Re: Fractal Audio FM3
« Ответ #2737 : Февраля 10, 2022, 23:47:05 »
                    FM3 Firmware Release Notes


* Improvement: The front panel now has various double-tap functions:
o Double-tapping EDIT edits the previous block.
o Double-tapping HOME enters the layout grid.
o Double-tapping STORE prompts immediately.
o In the Home or Layout menus, double-tapping the A-E push-knobs does the following:
- A enters the Amp 1 menu;
- B enters the Drive 1 menu (think "Boost")
- C enters the Cab 1 menu.
- D enters the Delay 1 menu.
- E enters the Reverb 1 menu (think "rEverb")
* Improved Input block gate performance.
* Integrated the newest "Cygnus X2" amp modeling from Axe-Fx III using the Chase Nonlinear Feedback (CNFB) technique for the solution of nonlinear ODEs. This provides improved accuracy, especially in the clipping and power supply sag behavior vs. frequency.
* Improved CPU performance of the Reverb block.
* New Amp model: "FAS Buttery"
* New Drive Block Types: "Valve Screamer VS9" and "Maxoff 808" including a new diode SPICE model "1S1588T" This is the Toshiba version of the 1S1588 and is reportedly the diode used in the "best" TS-808s.
* New "Types" within the Flanger, Plex Delay, and Multitap Delay blocks provide instant access to exciting effect settings without the need to adjust or understand advanced parameters. Special thanks to Leon Todd, Simeon Harris and Cooper Carter for some of the new effect type contributions.
* New LFO in the filter section of the Plex Delay block allows creative modulation effects. See the Blocks Guide for details.
* Push-knob functions in the Block Edit have been simplified to a single page.
* New "Modern Gate" type in the Gate/Expander Block. This type is similar to the Classic Gate except the gate opens in a constant linear-in-dB manner. This naturally makes the attack slower as the gate first opens and can be used for both traditional gating and for special effects like audio swells.
* New "S-Taper" option in the Volume Block allows new and improved "Auto-Swell" sounds.
* New "Max Loop Time" parameter in the Looper block. This allows loop length to be set precisely in advance of recording.
* New Diffuser Modulation in the Multitap Delay.
* New 'MUTE' option for OUTPUT 1 MODE. This causes only processed audio to be muted. USB audio will still be routed to and heard, enabling certain applications when using a DAW with input monitoring.
* Changed Looper behavior so that if recording and time reaches the maximum recording time the mode changes to that specified by Record 2nd Press (for the first pass of a new recording.)
* Overhauled the Compressor Block in line with the latest Axe-Fx updates:
o Improved Auto-Makeup gain behavior.
o Added Input Level switch. When set to INSTRUMENT the detector is optimized for guitar-level signals, i.e., before an amp block. When set to LINE the detector is optimized for post-amp level signals.
o The Pedal, Optical, Tube, Analog, JFET and Dynamicomp types have been completely redone resulting in improved performance. These types now inherently perform automatic makeup gain.
o Auto Attack/Release has been removed from the Pedal and Dynamicomp types as it is no longer applicable.
o Added Emphasis frequency to the sidechain.
o NOTE: Due to all these changes the behavior and output volume of the Compressor block may be different. It is recommended to audition any presets using the Compressor block and adjust as required.
* Added global Speaker Impedance Curve parameter to global Config menu. When set to DEFAULT, the speaker impedance curve used when selecting an amp model is the default curve for that amp model, otherwise it uses the selected curve.
NOTE: this does not affect existing presets. The curve only changes when selecting a new amp model. Also added several new Impedance Curves; thank you to Dr. Bonkers Soundlab for these.
* Added Damping control to Modifiers. The default, EXPONENTIAL, is the classic damping style where the modifier value has an exponential attack/decay. LINEAR selects a linear attack/decay.
* Added Type control to ADSRs. The default, EXPONENTIAL, is an analog style where the ADSR has an exponential attack/decay. LINEAR selects a linear attack/decay.
* Added High Mid control to the Drive block.
* Added "RCB Boost" to Amp block Boost types.
* Added Master Bias Excursion parameter to the amp block. See the Blocks Guide for details.
* Improved accuracy of Master Volume in Amp block for low settings.
* Improved Amp block cathode follower algorithm. Algorithm now uses higher order solution of nonlinear ODE for more accurate low frequency response.
* New option "ALL" for "Spillover" in SETUP: Global Settings: Config. In addition to Delay and Reverb, this includes Plex Delay, Multitap-Delay, and Ten-Tap Delay blocks, allowing spillover when switching presets. See your Owner's Manual for more on spillover.
* Added "USB 3/4" to the input options of the Multiplexer block.
* Added red indicator line to the "mini tuner."
* Improved "Tape" preamp types in Cabinet block.
* Improved accuracy of Drive block Drive control at low settings.
* Improved Stack/Hold in Delay block so that "texture" is applied to audio when Stack/Hold is on.
* New options in the I/O: AUDIO menu features allow greater routing flexibility of USB audio.
o New "USB 1/2 Playback Destination" parameter allows computer audio from USB 1/2 to be sent to either Output 1 L+R (the default and previous behavior) or Output 2 L+R. This allows for the easy separation of processed guitar to Out 1 and default computer system audio to Output 2.
- If you use only Output 2, you can now hear both processed guitar and USB audio by using the settings Output 2 Copy: OUTPUT 1 and USB 1/2 Playback Destination: OUTPUT 2.
o New "OUTPUT 1" option for "USB 3/4 Playback Destination" allows routing USB 3/4 to Out 1. (This gives FM3 the same "USB Output mapping" capabilities as Axe-Fx III and FM9.)

* Added "Bank Switch Limits" ENABLE/DISABLE to the FC Config menu. These allows the FM3 to ignore the limits set in bank switches, thereby allowing access to ALL BANKS by default.
* Added "Scene Level + Save" to the "Utilities" functions.
* Added a "Mini-LCD Invert Mode" option under the APPEARANCE section of the FC Controllers' Config page.
* Added a "STARTUP VIEW" for the FM3 and external FCs to the FC Controllers' Device page.
* Added an option for "2nd Press = Previous Bank" to Bank: Select function.
* Added an option for "2nd Press = Previous Preset" to Preset: Select function.
* Added an option for "2nd Press = Previous Channel" to Effect: Select Channel function.
* Added a "Current Channel" Mini-Display Label option to Effect: Chan Inc/Dec.
* Added a 1.5 second delay to functions that trigger a save of the preset to allow multiple actions before a single save.
* Fixed the mini-LCD display when "2nd Press = Previous Scene" is "ON."
* Fixed Bank limit calculations in some circumstances.
* Updated the switch ring LED to be dim instead of off for Function Effect: Select Channel when Smart Bypass is ON and the effect is in the preset but the effect is bypass.

* Fixed the fan ‘chirping' demonstrated on some units.
* Other small fixes based on those made on the Axe-Fx III.
* Fixed a crash when editing Bank and Effect Inc/Dec functions in certain circumstances.
* Fixed a potential crash in the Multitap block time is set very low.
* Fixed modifiers not working properly for some parameters (e.g., Plex Delay Rate parameter).
* Fixed KVB not being updated correctly.
* Fixed certain graphs disappearing after a banner display.
* Fixed Amp Band-Commander squeal at default settings.
* Fixed Compressor block auto-gain not working properly.
* Fixed Compressor block distorted audio on certain settings.
* Fixed Amp FAS Buttery crash.
* Fixed GUI not being redrawn when switching between a knob menu and a list menu.
* Fixed Blackglass 7K model as reference pedal was defective. Added "Grunt" and "Attack" knobs to GUI (Grunt switch on pedal is a selectable low cut so knob duplicates Low Cut control).
* Fixed Drive block can crash under rare circumstances when switching between certain models (from Blackglass 7K to diode-based model).

... и добавил:

Что интересного используете из новой прошивки?
« Последнее редактирование: Февраля 11, 2022, 18:41:12 от VaDeR »

Оффлайн _livid

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Re: Fractal Audio FM3
« Ответ #2738 : Февраля 11, 2022, 20:55:52 »
Сброс блока усилителя вернул всё на свои места, лишний шум ушел, звук севшей батарейки тоже.
По ощущениям звук стал получше.

Новое еще не пробовал, времени не хватает.

Оффлайн CP

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Re: Fractal Audio FM3
« Ответ #2739 : Февраля 11, 2022, 21:40:31 »
Сброс блока усилителя вернул всё на свои места, лишний шум ушел, звук севшей батарейки тоже.
По ощущениям звук стал получше.

Новое еще не пробовал, времени не хватает.

стало больше гейна. сбросил ампблок, стало еще хуже) теперь всё бубнит. хз откатиться что ли на 4ку

... и добавил:

как будто нек вместо бриджа включил
« Последнее редактирование: Февраля 11, 2022, 22:25:54 от CP »

Оффлайн VaDeR

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Re: Fractal Audio FM3
« Ответ #2740 : Февраля 11, 2022, 22:57:10 »
 :D :D :D

Оффлайн CP

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Re: Fractal Audio FM3
« Ответ #2741 : Февраля 12, 2022, 00:09:58 »
стало больше гейна. сбросил ампблок, стало еще хуже) теперь всё бубнит. хз откатиться что ли на 4ку

... и добавил:

как будто нек вместо бриджа включил

или это только у меня так?)

Оффлайн acuba777

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Re: Fractal Audio FM3
« Ответ #2742 : Февраля 12, 2022, 01:11:23 »
стало больше гейна. сбросил ампблок, стало еще хуже) теперь всё бубнит. хз откатиться что ли на 4ку

... и добавил:

как будто нек вместо бриджа включил

А у меня ничего не бубнит и не вижу смысла трогать amp блок. Слышал что рекомендовалось сбросить компрессоры, но у меня и с ними нет проблем. Прошивка 5.0 нравится, все устраивает)

Оффлайн akozlov

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Re: Fractal Audio FM3
« Ответ #2743 : Февраля 12, 2022, 05:18:26 »
Сброс блока усилителя вернул всё на свои места, лишний шум ушел, звук севшей батарейки тоже.
По ощущениям звук стал получше.

Новое еще не пробовал, времени не хватает.
а до этого 10 лет шум шумел, звук батарейки раздражал?

Оффлайн VaDeR

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Re: Fractal Audio FM3
« Ответ #2744 : Февраля 12, 2022, 09:37:58 »
я никакой разницы не заметил, ничего не трогал, может правда стоит побольше пресетов пощупать...