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FM3 Firmware Version 6.00 beta 3 is now available for download:
https://www.fractalaudio.com/downloads/firmware-presets/fm3/6p0/fm3_dsp_rel_6p00_beta_3.zipA new version of FM3-Edit is required for FW version 6.00 beta 3:
(The old version of FM3-Edit will work fine but CPU warning level will be mismatched with hardware. Updated link forthcoming)
My apologies for the delay with this release. I've been working hard to reduce CPU usage. I hope you find the results worth the wait.
Updates over 6.00 beta 1:
6.00 beta 2
Fix the unavailable FC Setlist/Songs menu item from the Setup page on the hardware.
6.00 beta 3
Fix occasional system lock up when exceeding the maximum CPU.
Fix minor algorithm issue in the Poweramp discovered by Cliff.
Optimizations to reduce CPU. This will vary depending on blocks used and settings.
Added Klone Chiron model to the Drive block.
Added Griddle Cake model based on Crowther Hot Cake to the Drive block. The “XLF” switch on the pedal can be replicated by turning the Bass Response knob fully CW.
Added the following new Amp models:
PVH 6160 Block Crunch
Diamante Fire based on a Diamond Del Fuego
Brit Studio 20 Amp model based on a Marshall SV20H
Plexi 50W 6CA7 Jumped
New “Cygnus X-2” amp modeling:
Improved Amp block output transformer algorithm. New algorithm more accurately models B-H curve resulting in a clearer low end. New algorithm now also accounts for effect of speaker impedance on transformer response.
Improved power tube modeling. This yields better dynamics, improved low frequency accuracy and more accurate interaction with output transformer.
Improved cathode follower algorithm. Provides more accurate “cleanup” when volume is rolled off.
Improved triode algorithm more accurately models plate bypass capacitors.
Many amp models have been updated as a result of the aforementioned improvements.
Various other improvements.
Improved modeling accuracy for following Amp models:
Plexi 50W Jumped
Plexi 100W Jumped
Brit JM45 Jumped
1987X Jumped
1959SLP Jumped
Plexi 100W 1970
Deluxe Tweed Jumped
Two Stone J35 and J35 PAB
Fox ODS and ODS Deep
Nuclear Tone
All Solo 88, 99 and 100 models
All Bogfish models
All Spawn Q-Rod models
All Spawn Nitrous models
All Vibrato Verb models
All Deluxe Verb models
All Double Verb models
All Brit 800 models
All Brit JVM models
All Friedman BE/HBE V2 and V3
Friedman Small Box
Cornfed M50
Drive block improvements. Drive block now incorporates the “Chase Transform Technique” for converting analog networks to equivalent digital filters. This improves accuracy in the high frequency region.
New “Block Mixer” algorithm results in faster/quieter scene and channel changes.
New Speaker Drive algorithm in Amp block. This new algorithm more accurately models the frequency dependent distortion of guitar loudspeakers. The default value (upon resetting the block) is 2.0 which gives roughly 1 dB of compression. Setting the value to 0.0 defeats the speaker drive modeling. Higher values give a smoother and more focused sound, rounding off the “sharp edges” and yielding greater compression.
Added Speaker Thump to Amp block. This models the dynamic, nonlinear behavior of a guitar speaker. A value of 5.0 roughly corresponds to an amp running into a speaker rated at the same power as the amplifier, i.e., a 100W amplifier running into a 100W speaker. The reset value is a conservative 2.5 which represents, i.e., a 50W amp running into a 100W speaker. Note that the majority of the response is in the subsonic region and the effect is primarily tactile. Existing presets are not affected and the value will be zero.
Improved Amp block output transformer modeling. This requires updated Transformer LF/HF values for the amp models. Existing presets are automatically updated to the new values upon recall.
Changed “Drive” to “Gain” for Amp block preamp gain as this is more consistent with naming in real amps.
Added “Overdrive Volume” parameter to Dumble-type amp models (ODS-100, Two Stone, etc.). This is sometimes labeled “Ratio” or “Lead Master”. As the Master Volume on these amps often has a bright capacitor the Overdrive Volume control allows setting the Master Volume higher to counteract the bright cap and then lowering the power amp drive with the Volume.
Added “Plate Suppressor Diodes” parameter. This value is set automatically when the amp model is chosen but the user can override the default setting. Most amps do not have suppressor diodes but some do (e.g., Trainwreck Express). These diodes (also called “snubber” or “flyback” diodes) prevent undershoot on the power tube plates due to inductive kick and reduce upper harmonics thereby reducing “fizz”.
Improved speaker impedance curve fitting algorithm. This results in more accurate and more “colorful” modeling as the previous algorithm tended to damp box resonances somewhat. All the speaker impedance curves have been updated using the new routine.
Added speaker impedance curves:
4x12 Lerxst Omega
1x12 Deluxe Oxford
4x12 Hipower Pete T
4x12 Hipower Lindsey B
4x12 USA Semi-Open
2x12 Dizzy RV
4x12 London Town Tall
2x12 Class-A Greenback
2x12 Two Stone 1265
Added cross feedback parameters to Quad Parallel type in Multitap Delay block.
Increased the range of the Level parameters in Multitap Delay to -100% to +100%.
SPDIF output level will no longer be dependent on the volume knob.
Added new Setlists/Songs feature, which can be used with the onboard switches and/or an FC Controller to access presets and scenes in custom order during live performance. A new Setup menu area provides full access from the front panel, with a corresponding new area of FM3-Edit which offering import/export and more. For additional details, please see the Setlists & Songs Mini-Manual, located at:
Fixed wrong coupling capacitor value in 1959SLP Treble, 1959SLP Jumped and 1987x Treble amp models.
Fixed wrong resistor value in tone stack of Solo 88 Rhythm and Lead models. Probably not audible though.
Fixed low frequency behavior of Recto2 models due to loss of precision.
Fixed wrong treble pot taper in CA3+ models.
Fixed wrong capacitor value in Friedman HBE V1 Fat model.
Fixed wrong resistor value in AC-20 12AX7 models.
Fixed wrong Depth knob taper in Archean models.
Fixed scale not being set when first attaching a modifier to a LOG parameter.
Fixed Bypass grayed out on Reverb EQ page.
FC: Layout Link will no longer unduly trigger when exiting the Tuner.
FC: Preset: Select in Bank switches now stop flashing when the preset is changed by any means other than an FC footswitch (editor, front panel, etc.)
FC: Preset: Select in Bank switches now flash consistently when used with Bank: Select switches.
FC: Preset: Toggle in Bank now consistently and correctly loads "Primary" preset after changing the bank.