FM3 Firmware Version 7.00 beta 1 is now available for download: will need the new version of Fractal-Bot to install the Dyna-Cabs: new version of FM3-Edit is also required for this firmware: AND IMPROVED FEATURES
Added Dyna-Cab™ cabinet modeling.
The Cabinet block now has two modes of operation: Legacy and Dyna-Cab. Legacy is the previous style of operation.
Dyna-Cab cabinet modeling allows freely positioning the microphone. We took an approach of quality-over-quantity:
Dyna-Cab IRs are 1024 samples.
Mic positions are sampled at a fine spatial resolution.
Four mic choices are available: Condenser, Ribbon and two Dynamic types.
All IRs are time-aligned with each other. They have been processed using a new algorithm that ensures alignment without destroying phase information. You can mix-and-match IRs from different cabs/mics and they'll always be perfectly aligned.
Amp block now features “Auto Dyna-Cab Impedance”. When set to ON the speaker impedance curve of the Amp block will follow the Cabinet Type in the first mixer slot of the associated Cabinet block. I.e., if the Cab Type in the first mixer slot of Cabinet is, say, 4x12 5153 and the Mode is Dyna-Cab then Amp’s speaker impedance will automatically be set to 4x12 5153.
Added “Treble Shift” control to Tone page of USA IIC+ models. This is an alias of the “Fat” control found on the Preamp page and performs the same function.
Added Speaker Impedance Curves for “2x12 Class-A 30W Silver”, “2x10 Heart Key” and “4x12 1960BV”.
Added “4 Band JMPRE-1” type to Graphic EQ block. Note that the upper two bands of this type have more boost/cut range than the version in the Amp block.
Added “Revv Gen” amp models based on a Revv Generator 120. There are three models for each of the Purple, Red and Green channels corresponding to the three levels of the “Aggression” switch.
Improved Amp block channel switching speed.
Fixed audio drop from the Compressor block when Ratio is set to 1.0.
Fixed System Settings being reset after reboot under certain conditions.
Fixed a filter issue affecting the Wah block.
Fixed system lockup under certain conditions.
Fixed Klon model making low level white noise when bias is exactly zero.
Fixed side-chain filters not working in Gate block.
FC: Edit Setlist page on the front panel will now refresh properly when inserting/deleting songs.