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"AC128 transistors?
You will read on some websites that some original fuzzface pedals used an AC128 transistor. However, I and all my fuzzface friends have NEVER seen these in an original fuzzface from the 1960s, and we have seen literally hundreds of them. The AC128 was however found in the grey reissues made in recent years. The AC-128s we pulled out of these reissue fuzzes sound horrible. We also tried all the AC-128s versions available on ebay and from suppliers all over the world but none sounded good. We really hoped we could find an alternate transistor (as we are getting low on the NKTs) but we could not use any of the AC-128 transistors..""Myth: AC128 transistors were used in 1960s Fuzz Faces.
This generally accepted myth actually predates the World Wide Web. We all know that the original Arbiter Fuzz Face used two germanium NKT 275 transistors, but legend has it that the AC128 transistor, a similar looking British-made germanium, was occasionally substituted in its place. Having examined more than 100 original Fuzz Faces over the years, Analog Mike says he’s never seen one Fuzz Face with AC128s. Yet others insist they have seen them. Fuzz Face collector Terry Forth cleared up the mystery for us, stating that any time he saw AC128s in a vintage Fuzz Face, they looked to be replacements. This theory is supported by the fact that old germanium transistors were manufactured inconsistently and were notoriously prone to failure."
Ну это так, оппонирование дабы уравновесить категоричные убеждения и заблуждения... Хотя каждый сам выбирает бред которому верит. А если по сабжу - что посоветуете - то посоветую набраться смелости и не слушать никого вообще, в том числе и процитированных мной буржуев, а только собственные уши.