первый прототип только в 1970 появился, еще Хендрикс перед смертью его юзал и одобрил, но никак не в 69
Я с Хендриксом знаком не был, да и что он там и кому одобрил в 69 или 70 тоже вопрос. Но вот тут есть некоторая инфа по поводу 1 версии Маффа
http://www.kitrae.net/music/big_muff_history.html#TriangleBigMuffTHE “TRIANGLE” BIG MUFF π - VERSION 1
1969-1973 (Pots date as early as 1966 and typically as late as 1972, though some have been seen dated 1973)
Circuit Designer: Bob Myer with Mike Matthews
Circuit Variants: Approximately 17
Edition Versions: 2 -
First edition on perf board manufactured circa late 1969, second edition with separate on/off switch in early 1970
"When I got the prototype from Bob, I loved the long sustain. This was done by cascading the circuit into additional sections, each one clipped by twin diodes. However, when you clip, the tone can be a bit raspy...so I spent a couple of days changing capacitors to roll off distortion in the highs, and eventually found that the best long sustaining tone that was a "sweet violin like sound" was done by having three capacitors in different parts of the circuit rolling off the rasp.
We plunged into production (in 1969) and I brought the very first units up to Henry, the boss at Manny’s Music Store on 48th Street, NYC. About a week later, I stopped by at Manny’s to buy some cables, and Henry yelled out to me 'Hey Mike. I sold one of those new Big Muffs to Jimi Hendrix'."
-Mike Matthews in 2007