Нашел занимательное видео, где Кайзер играет практически в стиле Заппы, любимого adam'ом. Достаточно свободно и осмысленно. Если adam не полный кретин по жизни, думаю, извинится за свои фантазии, тихонько закроет тему и пойдет учиться играть. Как Заппа. Или на крайний случай, как Кайзер 
Henry Kaiser demonstrates Neodymium GS Q-tuners
Не всё то золото... А для тебя я предпочту оставаться "полным кретином по жизни" (нежели врать) и не отвечать на сообщения, написанные в подобной манере...
... и добавил:Готов абсолютно согласится с человеком, который хорошо знаком с "творчеством" Кайзера: "I've been listening to Kaiser on and off for years and I still don't know what he sounds like. He always sounds to me like he's doing a pastiche of something or someone else - here it's Derek Bailey, there it's Billy Gibbons, there it's Hubert Sumlin or Korean opera or whatever. Playing in someone else's style is easy but finding your own style is very, very hard and I don't think Kaiser has ever found his own unique voice".
Данная цитата - ответ на это видео.
... и добавил:Не то, чтобы я верил слухам, но вот еще мнения об этом человеке: "Henry Kaiser's career reminds me of that saying French cooks have - rich men will never learn to be great cooks because they will never be forced to improvise. Kaiser has never been forced to play anything, he's always been free to play whatever he wants and he's always been able to afford the best gear, so his playing lacks soul and individuality".
-My friends and I met him on a few occasions. He is the biggest narcissist in town! Totally delusional about his talent. Have you gone to his website? He can't stop talking about himself and his line to the ladies, "I'm a famous guitarist". We all thought he was gay? Broken experimental record. We watched him throw a hissy fit over spilt milk and then try to milk sympathy for himself. He became a spoiled child who didn't get his way.
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