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http://originaudio.bigcartel.com/product/origin-audio-kemper-metal-profile-bundle-1KEMPER METAL PROFILE BUNDLE 1
Image of Kemper Metal Profile Bundle 1
This bundle contains 78 profiles of the Peavey 6505+, EVH5150 III 50w & Peavey Triple XXX.
It consists of the Peavey 6505+ Profile Pack 1, EVH 5150 III Profile Pack 1 & Peavey Tripple XXX Profile Pack 1.
You can also choose to buy one or two of these seperatly, if you don't want the whole bundle.
The amps where profiled through a Mesa Boogie 4x12 Rectifier Standard Cab (V30).
Mics used are: Shure SM57, Sennheiser MD421 & Shur SM7B
Both unboosted profiles, and profiles that where profiled with a custom TS808 on all amps.
hear it in action here
http://youtu.be/ufRKjHNeLVc... и добавил:и еще для металла
http://jordonpopp.bigcartel.com/productsThis Kemper Profile Pack contains every one of our current profile library.
It includes:
Diezel VH4: 20 profiles
Bogner Uberschall: 8 profiles
Randall RM100 (two modules): 7 profiles
Tech21 Sansamp BDDI: 3 profiles
Orange Micro Terror: 1 profiles
EVH 5150 III 50-watt: 2 profiles
Bogner Ecstasy 101B: 3 profiles
'68 Fender Bassman: 2 profiles
Mesa Boogie Dual Recto: 1 profile