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http://markiicplusprofiled.jimdo.com/thumasmark3/This page is dedicated to Thumas MarkIII Kemper Profiles. You can download here the Thumas MarkIII Pack, with his kind permission.
Mark III
The Mark III was launched by Mesa/Boogie in 1985. It introduced a third channel, a "crunch" rhythm sound right in between the rhythm and lead channels. This amp has a dual footswitch system: one footswitch alternates between the current rhythm mode and the lead mode, and the other selects either the clean rhythm mode or the crunch rhythm mode. The two rhythm modes share all of their controls, while the lead mode only shares the rhythm modes' tone stack, featuring independent gain and master volume controls. The physical switch for the crunch rhythm mode was implemented as a push/pull switch above the Middle frequency control.
The Mark III went through multiple revisions, similar to the Mark II. Each revision had a slightly different voicing, but identical functionality. The amplifier had an aggressive voicing, and extreme brightness that is well suited for heavier music.
Thumas profiles use a Red Stripe version :
The third revision was the "Red Stripe" Mark III which featured a red marker stripe above the power cord. The amplifier had increased gain over the purple stripe, and lead mode circuitry almost identical to the IIC+.
Cab : Recto 2x12 V30's cab,
Mics : SHURE SM57, SM57 copy, Heil PR20...
You have now no excuse to enjoy for free high quality Mesa/Boogie profiles !