М Брит в ближайший месяй похоже выпустит Пак профилей по новой технологии
а то и два
Hey guys,
I've been doing a lot of profiling lately and I think the new firmware revision just sounds fantastic overall. I'm still concentrating on mostly studio profiles but I have done a few DI/Merged ones that are ok. I'm still working on how to release the new stuff, but there should be some new amps coming out within the month. I also went back and listened to the merged rigs that I did for the 3.0 release and I'm not sure why but they sounded really funky to me. I don't know if it was because I was using a beta at the time or if it was operator error or what but I revisited those profiles and looked up the original studio and di files and worked with them, re-merging them and I think they sound a bit better. I'd love to get some feedback on whether it's an improvement or not before I see about including the new versions with the merged rig pack from Kemper. I uploaded them onto Rig Exchange and I also put a link directly from the home page of my web site (in first news story and highlighted in red). I added the * suffix to the new versions. Thanks guys!
As far as new amp profiles… I have enough to make two packs at this point. I think I may split them up into a vintage pack and a modern pack. Here are the contenders: Bogner Helios, Friedman Dirty Shirley and Pink Taco, Swart Space Tone, Dr. Z Rx, Suhr Hedgehog, Supro Dual Tone, Vox Night Train, '65 Vox AC50, '65 Champ, '62 Deluxe, Silvertone Twin Twelve, '58 Tweed Deluxe, Roland Jazz Chorus, '68 Selmer Treble'n'Bass, Music Man HD120, Polytone Mini Brute. I've still got a couple of items on my wish list for this pack and I'll probably try to snag a couple more this week, but that's what I'm working with so far.