Кто нибудь знаком с таким шумодавом- TC ELECTRONIC SENTRY ? Какой то непонятный восторг по обзорам...
А у кого то есть и разочарования:
https://www.musiciansfriend.com/amplifiers-effects/tc-electronic-sentry-noise-gate-guitar-pedal"Not Great for Heavy Metal
This pedal works well eliminating low level his and hum. But I didn't like using it with high gain, metal tones. There is a delay between the time you hit a chord and the gate opens up. No matter how I set the knobs I couldn't get rid of it. That's the primary reason I took it back."
"Comments about TC Electronic Sentry Noise Gate Guitar Pedal:
Maybe it's the inherent nature of noise gates, but I bought and returned this pedal because it was a tone drainer."
И с другого сайта, недоступного в России:
"this pedal does what it is supposed to but at a cost. This pedal colored my sound made it sound much darker almost like a blanket was put over my cab. Tried hooking it up multiple ways andalso use toneprints but made no real difference. The amp I was using it with is a Soldano SLO 100. I think the main reason this pedal did not work for me is because my amp has a +4db (line level) loop. Most pedals I have tried with this amp just can't handle the output of the loop much more so when on overdrive channel. I guess I can live with a little noise, maybe I will try the MXR Smart Gate since it has a switch for line level."