I have some info, but not alot. the circuit is actually very close to what I described in my earlier post. the preamp b+ is around 300-320vdc IIRC. you can see the interstage dividers in the pictures. also there is no cold clipping stage. the first stages plate resistor is 180K with a 1.8K cathode resistor. the rest of the preamp stages have 100K plate resistors. the second stage has a 2.4K cathode resistor. the third has a 1.5K, and the fourth has an 820R. the first three stages all have bypass caps too. from the pictures there is a funky highpass filter between the first and second stage. I have no idea what the opto's switch in and out either. The tone stack is driven low z from a cathode follower, but doesn't have the standard marshall/SLO values. the rest of the stuff (the PI/PA) you can see in the pictures.
Hope this helps.
Hi Joey,
I have some similar infos for polarizations, except the cold stage.
- 1st to 2nd stage: 4n7 to 470k (gain), then 470k//470p to 470k
- 2nd to 3rd: 2n2 to 470k - 470k
- 3rd to 4th: 22n to 470k//470p - 470k
- 2nd and 3rd stage plate bypassed 470p
- 2nd stage cathode bypassed 2u2
- 3rd stage cathode resistor: 15k
- 4th stage cathode resistor: 1k
- typical marshall eq and PI polarization
Do you have some news?
April wrote:
by the way.. about the choke in deep control... may be its realised like in jcm2000 ? LC infront of feedback R?
i played on jcm2000 tsl 601.. button "Deep" works cool!
it's not like a depth control, it does something to the mids as the presence knob is turned. the pi is like a standard marshall except that the plate resistors are 68K and are bypassed with snubbers(at least in one of the pictures, the other is standard marshall). the other interesting thing is that alot of the interstage coupling caps are stacked in paralllel with smaller ones of different types like in Trainwrecks. if you read alot of reviews of it many people say that it sounds 3 dimensional, and this is why. it is really hard to say what the bypass caps are, and what gets switched in and out per the opto's. oh yeah....the third stage I have 1.5k for the rk, but I believe that the bypass cap is actually only partially bypassed, with an additional 1.5K in series with the cap. as far as the tonestack, think fender values...except for the slope resistor.