Вощем кто, чему бы из этих двух бошек отдал бы предпочение.. и если можно - аргументировать))) ( То, что Холстинин
шпилит на этом маршале не в счёт)))
Orange RK100H Rockerverb 100 Head - 100W, all valve, class A/B, bias switch to accommodate various valve (6CA, EL34, L6, 5881, KT88), 2 channels (2-stage clean and 4-stage lead), ReverseSnake8 output transformer. Clean channel: volume, bass, treble. Dirty channel: gain, bass, middle, treble, volume. Reverb on both channels, FX loop (valve). 4x ECC83 preamp valves, 4x EL34 power amp valves, 2x ECC81 reverb/FX loop valves. Speaker outs: 1x 16ohm, 2x 8ohm. Dimensions: 550 x 260 x 280mm. Weight: 23 kg. Colour: Orange
100-Watt valve head
Valve complement: 5 x ECC83 (12AX7s) in preamp, 2 x EL34s in power amp
4 independent, footswitchable channels-Clean, Crunch, OD1 & OD2
Each channel boasts 3 footswitchable modes Green, Orange & Red
Studio quality, footswitchable digital reverb with level controls for all 4 channels.
2 footswitchable master volumes
Two FX loops Series/Parallel & Parallel
Series/Parallel FX loop is footswitchable
Emulated line out
6-way, 7-LED footswitch with memory capabilities (UK patent pending)
All switching can be done via MIDI
Made in England