vangrieg, Нашел оригинал интервью
I love the way you sonically layer things when you mix. How do you go about getting that?
I have no idea. If I knew, I probably couldnt do it as well. Its purely reactive and instinctive. I dont have a plan. Actually, what I will do frequently when were layering with synths and so on, is to add some acoustics to the synth sounds. I think this helps in the layering in that the virtual direct sound of most synthesizers is not too interesting, so Ill send the sound out to the studio and use a coincident pair of mics to blend a little bit of acoustics back with the direct sound. Of course, it adds early reflections to the sound, which reverb devices cant do. Thats the space before the onset of reverb where those early reflections occur.
So what youre looking for more than anything is early reflections?
I think thats a much overlooked part of sound because there are no reverb devices that can generate that. Its very important. Early reflections will usually occur under 40 milliseconds. Its a fascinating part of sound.Там же у Овсински, стр.62
Бенни Фэкконн. Я часто использую РСМ 42 с гитарами, чтобы получить очень короткий дилэй. Сам прибор
одноканальный, но звучит огромно. Я ставлю 4, 8, 11 миллисекунд, так что звучит не похоже на
дилэй. Иногда для электрогитар делаю аж 28 мс. Если разделить на стерео, кажется, что с каждой
стороны по две гитары.