Dear All!
Our offer has been expanding : the Torpedo C.A.B. is now launched, the world-acclaimed VB-101 is back in stock, and if you live in France or Benelux we can let you know where to find a retailer close to you.
Torpedo C.A.B. released
The Two Notes Audio Engineering Team is proud to announce the launch of our Torpedo C.A.B., specially designed to be used together with your favorite effects.
Plug it in as the final stage of your effects chain, and enjoy the outstanding Two Notes speaker simulation without even having to carry your guitar or bass amplifier along.
The Torpedo C.A.B. is the first stompbox-style Impulse-Response (IR) Loader. What this means is that you can use it to capture, load, and share the sonic measures of your favorite speakers.
Go to for more information.
Короче Две ноты пишут , что вышел Торпедо КАБ)