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Вот вкратце одна из дискуссий на форуме. Топик: school me on attenuators
Автор (А): What can they do? What can they *not* do? Best application(s)? Best brands? Most affordable? &c.
Участник (У):hey are BEST used to bring your 100w Marshall (or whatever overly huge and loud amp) down to a GIGGABLE volume, whatever idiot says they're good for bedroom use. just no. But they are great for gig if you want that cranked sound.
А: What about for taking an 18 watt amp from gigging volume down to pratice volume? (I think I already know the answer to that...)
У: Bedroom? probably not. it'll be quiet but not THAT quiet. also, you need to remember a HUGE part of that "power tube" break up that you love so much has to do with the speakers breaking up a little also. so it isn't going to be perfect.
My situation is a little different, though ~ I'm not using a whole lot of power tube breakup. It's just that the master volume seems to go from zero to LOUD just about instantly. So I'm wondering what I could do just to take that down a notch, gnome sane? I suspect an attenuator probably isn't going to do that for me, but that's where my question was coming from, if that makes sense.
У меня проблема примерно того же характера: звук тихий нарулить можно, но он СЛИШКОМ резко переходит от практически неслышимого на громкий (у меня Laney VC15-110)
Далее приходит У2, который, в общем довольно неплохо, кмк, шарит в этих делах (у него есть канал на Youtube - fastredponycar) и предлагает радикальное решение:
У2: if your amp has an fx loop, just buy a passive ernie ball volume pedal jr and be done with it. It works much better than attenuators.
The only caveat to this is if you use an old marshall or something that produces power tube distortion that benefits the tone.
Otherwise, 98% of most amps on the market simply rely on a cranked preamp tube section to get the full smooth tone and the volume pedal in the loop accomplishes this.
Короче вкратце: воткни в петлю педаль громкости и будет тебе щастье.
Вот у меня вопрос - кто пробовал, было ли щастье?

Стоит ли попробовать поискать у кого-нить педаль громкости для эксперимента или идея обречена?
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