Хз, может кто писал уже. но вот что я нашел на сайте Troy Stetina
For an amp I use the Line6 POD into a Peavey 50/50 Classic tube power amp and Marshall 4x12 cabinet. My old Marshalls pretty much sit unused. I tend to use the PODs rectifier setting more than anything else. The POD was the first cabinet simulator, direct into a board, that sounded good to me. And it's so fast and easy... you've got like 30 different amps at the flip of a switch. So I find myself use it quite a bit these days. All the recent methods -- Rage Against the Machine, Foo Fighters, Aggro-Metal, Total Rock Guitar -- these were all recorded using the POD, direct. So was the EP in fact. Now I'm recording the POD through the power amp and mic'ing the cab. Sounds a bit better" --Troy