Автор Тема: Владельцы pod-ов всех стран, объединяйтесь!!!  (Прочитано 443173 раз)

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Re: Владельцы pod-ов всех стран, объединяйтесь!!!
« Ответ #720 : Августа 21, 2007, 17:03:26 »
та да...
я тоже хочу следующей покупкой после ПОДа - скример (скорее всего от Хачатура).

Оффлайн john-bt

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Re: Владельцы pod-ов всех стран, объединяйтесь!!!
« Ответ #721 : Августа 21, 2007, 19:04:02 »
незнаю насколько безумный вопрос, но всё таки...
пробовал кто-нить греть аналоговой грелкой эмулированный усилитель в Line6?

Оффлайн Radiator

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Re: Владельцы pod-ов всех стран, объединяйтесь!!!
« Ответ #722 : Августа 21, 2007, 19:55:08 »
На ультиматметале об этом почитай.
Звук прочищается,и становится лучше.

Оффлайн john-bt

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Re: Владельцы pod-ов всех стран, объединяйтесь!!!
« Ответ #723 : Августа 21, 2007, 20:15:17 »
кинь плиз ссылку, а то я пока найду что это постарею и умру ;)

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Re: Владельцы pod-ов всех стран, объединяйтесь!!!
« Ответ #724 : Августа 21, 2007, 20:18:23 »
кстати это сделано на страте и тон порте...

Оффлайн Radiator

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Re: Владельцы pod-ов всех стран, объединяйтесь!!!
« Ответ #725 : Августа 21, 2007, 20:25:45 »
Не кину-чесно.
Это хз окгда было,и там уже стока с того времени прошло...
Вылезь,српоси там у народа-тебе ответят,наверно...

Оффлайн Radiator

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Re: Владельцы pod-ов всех стран, объединяйтесь!!!
« Ответ #726 : Августа 22, 2007, 12:50:50 »

Демка звучания Bogner\Line6 SpiderValve

Оффлайн Radiator

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Re: Владельцы pod-ов всех стран, объединяйтесь!!!
« Ответ #727 : Августа 23, 2007, 01:07:26 »
Спецификации Bogner\Line6 Spider Valve
Just got a message from my Line6 rep.
He confirms the new products. Prices are yet to come, but I've seen pictures. The Bogner/Line 6 thing is called: Line 6 Spider Valve!!
It says: Tube Amp design by Bogner on the front.

40W Class AB :: (2) 12AX7 :: (2) 6L6
1X12", 2X12" and 100W Head
Premium Celestion® Vintage 30 høyttalere.


It has a similar layout as the Spider Series, Clean/Blues/Crunch/Metal/Insane knob, 4 channels, chorus/flange::phaser::tremolo section, delay::tape echo::sweep echo section, reverb, LCD display. Cool knobs and blue jewel lamp.

Т.е. это будет полностью ЛАМПОВЫЙ комб.

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Re: Владельцы pod-ов всех стран, объединяйтесь!!!
« Ответ #728 : Августа 23, 2007, 01:41:01 »
5 дней назад приобрел себе сию радость! так что теперь я с вами!

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Оффлайн alex_shevchuk

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Re: Владельцы pod-ов всех стран, объединяйтесь!!!
« Ответ #730 : Августа 23, 2007, 17:56:43 »
красивые, заразы :)

Оффлайн m4x1mu2

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Re: Владельцы pod-ов всех стран, объединяйтесь!!!
« Ответ #731 : Августа 23, 2007, 20:46:47 »
Product not found!

и так во всех спеках

Оффлайн alex_shevchuk

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Re: Владельцы pod-ов всех стран, объединяйтесь!!!
« Ответ #732 : Августа 23, 2007, 20:49:40 »
Product not found!

и так во всех спеках
уже удалили :(

Оффлайн Radiator

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Re: Владельцы pod-ов всех стран, объединяйтесь!!!
« Ответ #733 : Августа 23, 2007, 21:00:28 »
Ну а вы думали?
Щяз порыщщу...
ПыСы-хорошо хоть фотки остались.

Оффлайн Radiator

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Re: Владельцы pod-ов всех стран, объединяйтесь!!!
« Ответ #734 : Августа 23, 2007, 21:05:35 »
POD® X3 Live one - now book in advance!!

Finally again that unconditional enthusiasm as with the first guitar.

The POD X3 Live one strikes you guaranteed around – with nearly innumerable amplifier -, box pedal and Studioeffektmodellen in absolutely best POD quality. Most rare “Vintage”-Schaetzchen is here just as substantial represented as the newest “Boutique”-Amps. And the creative possibilities are unlimited. The POD X3 Live one addresses itself to all musicians, the evening for evening live plays or already nearly in the Tonstudio lives.

With the POD X3 Live one starts a new sound era. So one can send the guitar signal e.g. simultaneously to two amplifier models with separate effects. The change (alias “Morphing”) between these two can take place with the inserted swelling pedal, which can be used naturally also for WahWah and applications of volumes. And there also bass and microphone preamplifier models on board are, are suitable the POD X3 Live one for the whole volume. Who would like, can at the same time attach even two instruments and nevertheless separately work on.

The POD X3 Live one offers all entrances and exits, which one needs for practicing, samples and taking up. To the 1/4”-Eingang a guitar or a bass can be attached, the XLR entrance is meant for a microphone or the like. To practice one can with Stereo headphone, in order not to risk the good relationship with the neighbours. Live one can be attached the part to the entrance of a guitar amplifier or directly to the public-address system. The Stereo Effektschleife permits if necessary the integration of external effect devices. To the Variax entrance of the POD X3 Live one a Variax guitar®can be attached by LINE 6, which has among other things the advantage that concerned guitar model the fitting the memory is called in each case. The POD X3 Live one notes likewise the attitudes of the guitar. For Studiozwecke symmetrical Stereo exits as well as a digital S/P DIF exit are available. And who already in the computer era arrived, about the fast USB 2.0-Port (audioable and more canal) will be pleased.

In the POD X3 Live ones give themselves all sagenumwobenen sounds of history and newer scoops –in of used POD-Qualitaet– Stelldichein. So you can always offer both live as well as in the studio the very best sounds.

Functions & advantages

Electrical guitar
The POD X3 Live one offers by far vielschichtigere control of the sound of guitar as its a predecessor.

• With 78 upsetting amplifier models one can fulfill oneself to each also still so strange sound desire.
• The amplifier and box models can be tasted then still with several models of the 98 pedal and Studioeffekte.
• Maltreat even in fastidious professional circles still more impression, by transmitting your guitar signal at the same time to two virtual guitar Rigs.
• In addition, the POD X3 Live one can be attached to a stack or a Combo. Also then naturally effects can be used up to 9. Ideal occupations for this would be things such as “Vintage”-Verzerrung, haarstraeubender Fuzz, almost infinite Delay effect, more warmly resound, impudent Flanger, WahWah etc..

Acoustic guitar
You can attach either a microphone or the exit of your I/O guitar to the POD X3 Live one, in order to enjoy the superben sound of your instrument so correctly times.
• Rental businesses of the guitar with a tube preamplifier model more warmth, restrain its level with a high-quality Kompressor… helps nature, where conventional electronics falsifies it!
• Then are missing actually only a prize resound, possibly a Chorus or a Delay and a fine tuning by EQ.

Bass guitar
Whether you on the arena Bums, which Motown Groove or the sharp-edged-full of seeds sound liked nowadays stand is insignificant – the POD X3 Live one contains also in bassiger regard everything.

• 28 amplifier and 22 box models particularly for bass guitar. There you guaranteed fuendig.
• The existing models of mikrofonvorverstaerkern are suitable by the way also for warming other signals up than e and/or bass guitar.
• With the 98 pedal and Studioeffektmodellen also bassists can fulfill themselves each sound desire.

The POD X3 Live one is equipped with an XLR entrance for a microphone. Also for this type of signal there are many ingenious effects.

• Select from 6 models of the best mikrofonvorverstaerker of all times, thereby your voice also “im Kasten” as warm and pressureful sounds as in the acoustic reality.
• With high-quality compressors, EQs, gates and De-Essern you trim your voice easy on “supergeil”.
• With the models of the Studioeffekte you know then still to the necessary resound, a Delay, perhaps even something Chorus etc. to add.

The POD X3 Live one contains the entire Tool pallet, which one can only wish oneself as kreative/r Songwriter/in.

• With as good as all conceivable guitars -, bass and sounds of voice gives one to its compositions from the conditions a professional painting.
• As soon as the inspiration slams shut, you can take up the guitar and singing part in a jerk and you so the magic of the first “Takes” received.

Power and flexibility – the POD X3 Live one hat’s

Computer photographs
The POD X3 Live one is suitable for all photograph situations, in which a computer is used.

• Owing to its USB 2.0-Ports the POD X3 Live one knows even “trockene” as signals also worked on transfer to the software, so that you in the latter (Mix)Moment still another another sound to select can.
• The POD X3 Live one permits the simultaneous admission of 2 expert worked on signals.
• A guitar can be worked on e.g. with two separate (virtual) Stereo Rigs and be taken up in this fuelligen form.
• And there the POD X3 Live one around the whole computations worries, is available the processor of your computer for other tasks. Latency is therefore no topic.
• Over the S/P DIF exit also different digital's applications are possible, so e.g. the admission with ProTools and other professional device/interfaces. The legendary POD®sound can thus always and everywhere be to the place.

Connection with an amplifier
The POD X3 Live one can be used as ultimative multi-effect equipment and be connected for this purpose with a stack or a Combo.

• With 98 models of pedal and Studioeffekten to you more effects at the disposal than even the highest 19”-Wand is offering can.
o Stomp – Fuzz, Distortion, overdrive and more.
o Mod – Chorus, Flanger, Tremolo, Rotary, Phaser etc..
o Delay – In each case several types for the Delay effects: Similarly, digitally, volume echo, a combination of extremely rare echoes – it is simply everything there.
o Reverb – Several resounding types. Models: To Room, resound, Chamber, Plate and jump.
o other – Compressor, gate, halfparametric 4-Band-EQ, Synthesizer, filter, Wah u.v.a.

• Up to 9 effects can be used at the same time.
• Also the effect chains are by the way separately programmable.
• Connection with a public-address system
The POD X3 Live one can be attached directly to a Pa, so that you are ready within fewer seconds for the sound check.
• Why thus still tonnenweise material truck, where one gets nevertheless still much more in compact equipment required?
• In addition you can trust now in the fact that your sound is raised all time over each doubt.
• The XLR exits can be connected directly with the steam turbine and gas turbine system box etc.. A DI box is redundant.

Why the PODxt exchanges?
The POD X3 Live one offers innumerable new functions, with which one can work still by far more creatively and lend to its music still much more expression.

• The POD X3 Live one contains more amplifier -, box and effect models than the other devices of the POD®series. The proof: 78 amplifier and 24 box models for guitar, 98 effects, 28 amplifier and 22 box models for bass as well as 6 models of mikrofonvorverstaerkern.

• Also the basing aster and remaining control elements of this soil unit make an extremely solid impression. As Schmankerl gibt’s a swelling pedal (Wah/Volumen/Expression) in the racing car Design.
• Work on your guitar simultaneously with two complete guitar Rigs, around your public with an impressive “Schallmauer” to inspire.
• The by far larger display indicates the complete signal path of both chains. The amplifier and effect parameter can be edited now on a side. Thus one saves time.
• Also your acoustic guitar, a bass and even singing can be aufmotzen now with the POD Soundmagie and sounded according to noble, impudent, alive etc..
• Simultaneous use of the XLR- and 1/4”-Eingangs for two signal sources with separate treatment – ideally in the studio and live.
• USB 2.0-Port for multi-trace photographs with all usual photograph programs. If necessary you know even the “trockene” and a Stereoversion of the worked on signal at the same time take up, in order to remain flexible up to merging.
• The digital S/P DIF exit can be used for the connection with a pro Tools system or other Studiogeraeten.


In & exits
• 1/4”-Instrumenteneingang with normal/PAD switch
• Microphone entrance (XLR) with automatic trim control system
• USB 2.0-Port for audio and sound editing
• Digital S/P DIF exit (stereo)
• 1/4”-Line-Ausgaenge (stereo, with AMP/LINE PAD switches)
• Symmetrical XLR LINE exits (stereo)
• Stereo Effektschleife (1/4”-Buchsen)
• Digital Variax connection
• 1/4”-Anschluss for swelling pedal
• 1/4”-Kopfhoereranschluss (stereo)
• Connection for optional FBV Pedaleinheit
• 1/8”-Eingang for CD/MP3-Spieler etc. (stereo)

Control elements
• Large lit LC display
• “Verstaerkerregler” chromium-plated 8;: Drive, bass, Mid, Treble, Presence, Reverb, clay/tone volume, master volume
• 5 An/Aus Fusstaster (metal) for the effects: Amp, Stomp, Mod, Delay, Comp/Boost
• Inserted Wah /Volumen /Expression pedal
• TAP speed & An/Aus switch for tuner (metal)
• Bank selector button and basing aster for the direct memory selection (A, B, C, D) made of metal
• Firmly assigned “Dual Tone”-Fusstaster (metal)
• 5 context-referred automatic controllers for the parameter editing
• Separate tracers for the input/output configuration
• Switch for the high putting of the mass

Amplifier -, box & effect models
• Overwhelming number of models for guitar, bass and singing
• 78 guitar amplifier models
• 24 box models for guitar
• 98 models of pedal and Studioeffekten
• 28 bass amplifier models
• 22 box models for bass
• 6 preamplifier models for singing
• A.I.R.™ II box/microphone modelling with in each case 4 Mikrofonierungsoptionen

Additional functions & advantages
• 2 comprehensively equipped amplifier and effect signal chains for guitar (simultaneously usable)
• Separate treatment over the 1/4” - and the XLR entrance of received signals
• USB 2.0-Mehrkanaluebertragung (stereo “Wet/Dry” for each entrance)
• 24-Bit-Wandler (A/D and D/A) and 32-Bit-Klangbearbeitung with floating point
• Up to 9 effects for each signal chain, Routing adjustable (Pre/Post)
• TAP speed price increase of the time-based effects
• Extremely precise chromatic being correct function (alternatively in or bypass mode)
• Supplied with USB 2.0-Kabel
• Supplied with external power pack