Автор Тема: AMT Fatal Tube  (Прочитано 7673 раз)

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Re: AMT Fatal Tube
« Ответ #45 : Марта 16, 2006, 22:38:53 »
А все равно, пожалуй что завтра куплю сабж. Если еще чего-нить не придумаю за те же деньги. =)

Оффлайн Bluesbiker

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Re: AMT Fatal Tube
« Ответ #46 : Марта 17, 2006, 01:52:37 »
Порально! Не раздумывай даж!

Оффлайн Flanger

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Re: AMT Fatal Tube
« Ответ #47 : Марта 17, 2006, 06:30:21 »
ну если комбик не особо понтовый у тя, то бери и не парься

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Re: AMT Fatal Tube
« Ответ #48 : Марта 17, 2006, 06:40:07 »
Price Paid: US $105
Ease of Use: 10
Initially Looks scary with 6 knobs but what the heck, every setting will get you a killer tone.

Sound Quality: 10
When I plugged in for the first time, I didn't switch on the pedals, I just wanted to check whether the pedals works. It worked and to my surprise I sounded really lush even in Bypass. I immediately plugged my guitar straight to amp and then again connected to the amp through this pedal. This pedal was great even when I didn't switch the distortion on. Then I realized it's because of some Amp Modelling they do. So it's not 100% True Bypass but actually gets better than that because of the Amp Modelling. No idea of which Amp they modelled but it's great. I switched on and slowly started tweaking around and it sounded great. The distortion is very warm and natural and not very harsh and at the same time has serious sustain for legato playing. It's fit enough to be used as a stand alone distortion pedal with no other overdrive or distortion to boost it. I still did not get the sound I wanted but I wanted to be honest about the review. I look at a heavily bassier tone which almost sounds like a bass guitar with slinky strings which I dont seem to get with any pedal. I am even thinking of using 14 guage strings with guitar tuned down to 2 steps. Yes I am looking for an evil tone 'cos I am evil.
Anyway this pedals is great for what it is meant for. Typical 80s Hard Rock or Heavy Metal and a gift for Shredders.
My setup for this review was $200 worth cheap Custom Made Les Paul -> AMT Fatal Tube -> Marshall MG15CD. This simple setup but had a professional sound.
Amazingly noiseless even with Gain and Drive to Full.

Reliability: 9
It is constructor really rugged. My only concern is the whole unit is very small which has 6 knobs and 1 switch all very close to each other. I am worried that when I try to press the switch on and off I will keep banging my foot on the knobs which might cause wear to those knobs or might change settings. Other construction quality is great. I like Rocktron pedals for their large size. I still dont think you need a backup for this unit if you have to gig.

Customer Support: 10
I had mailed them initially to find out the dealers whereabouts. They were very quick and humble in their reply. They seem to be very friendly. Talk to his guy Dimitar. He seems to be working for AMT. He suggested me this pedal and his suggestion was great. So I combine this also with their customer support.

Overall Rating: 10
Hope they make the pedal box a little more large. Otherwise it rocks. Solid stuff. After you read this please go home and burn your Boss pedals and buy AMT Fatal Tube. I have also ordered AMT California Sound which I am eagerly expecting. Now I trust AMT for all my pedal requirements. I just wish they make Delay, Chorus and Flage too.

Submitted by Anand

Оффлайн Flanger

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Re: AMT Fatal Tube
« Ответ #49 : Марта 17, 2006, 07:17:20 »
а что в звуке тразисторных педалей(!) такой ценовой категории может быть профессионального?

Оффлайн romker

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Re: AMT Fatal Tube
« Ответ #50 : Марта 17, 2006, 09:10:53 »
вот это правильно))))) прикольно, когда от педальки рамштайн ждут звучания рамштайн)))))))

Оффлайн Bluesbiker

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Re: AMT Fatal Tube
« Ответ #51 : Марта 17, 2006, 14:24:18 »
Никто тут про проф. деятельность и не говорит, но обсолютно реально получить вполне звучащюю гитару для выступления (ессесна не в Карнеги Холл! :))

Оффлайн vladg

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Re: AMT Fatal Tube
« Ответ #52 : Марта 17, 2006, 14:52:26 »

Sound Quality: 10
When I plugged in for the first time, I didn't switch on the pedals, I just wanted to check whether the pedals works. It worked and to my surprise I sounded really lush even in Bypass. I immediately plugged my guitar straight to amp and then again connected to the amp through this pedal. This pedal was great even when I didn't switch the distortion on. Then I realized it's because of some Amp Modelling they do. So it's not 100% True Bypass but actually gets better than that because of the Amp Modelling.

Вот-вот. У меня 1x10" в bypass зазвучал как 2x12". Прикольно.

Оффлайн Flanger

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Re: AMT Fatal Tube
« Ответ #53 : Марта 18, 2006, 06:59:01 »
Цитата: Bluesbiker
Никто тут про проф. деятельность и не говорит, но обсолютно реально получить вполне звучащюю гитару для выступления (ессесна не в Карнеги Холл! :))

Помнится я на Калифорнии  пару концертов  в клубах отыграл...ничего, терпимо. Но звук не фонтан.

Оффлайн Sketcher

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Re: AMT Fatal Tube
« Ответ #54 : Марта 18, 2006, 11:08:56 »
Да блин, что бы добится прям профисионального звука надо  и оборудование за неизвестно скока бабла, так еще и звукорежисера нормального :). Эта пидалька вполне пригодна для игры, главное отстроить ее нормально...

Оффлайн spoorty

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Re: AMT Fatal Tube
« Ответ #55 : Марта 18, 2006, 22:11:51 »
а гт2 ерасов ей не конкурент?

Оффлайн Leo Kloo

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Re: AMT Fatal Tube
« Ответ #56 : Июля 28, 2016, 23:14:53 »
Может, кто прочтёт мою просьбу, спустя 10 лет после последней публикации...
Друг выразил желание подарить мне этот прибор, найденный в антресолях.
Вот бы мануал найти ? В интернете не нашёл (может не там искал).
Нет ли у кого? Спасибо !