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Price Paid: US $200
Ease of Use: 8
Easy enough. Voicing is interesting knob, I found it very usefull tailoring the sound for specific amps. The only thing you have to understand is the fact how it works. Actully it is an instrument to compensate to bright or too dull amp channel.
Sound Quality: 10
I use ESP Mirage Deluxe into Fender Roc Pro 1000, which is notorious for it weird and, IMO, quite lame distortion channels. Tube Factor REALLY improved the sound dramatically. I use it mostly to play heavy metal, and it works just impecable for this purpose. It is really a great device.
Reliability: 9
I use it for almost two years. No probs. And you should not wory about power supply unit - it's robust enough. Glass window looks nice, but it's my constant point of fears to break it.
Customer Support: N/A
Overall Rating: 10
I love it. Everyone around me loves it. Great thing.
Submitted by Anonymous at 05/12/2002 07:57