Мне этот датчик вручили в подарок, но имеет ли смысл менять родные на него? И в какую позицию его впаивать? т.к. на коробочке было написано: Norton DP 160 F-Spaced
Вот, что пишут на официальном сайте:
The sound of a Norton® is right between FRED® and The Tone Zone®. It's got some FRED-like harmonic overtones that can only be described as nasty, with more of the power and mid-range of the heavyweight Tone Zone®. The same patented dual-resonance design used in FRED® and The Tone Zone® delivers a sound that's hotter and “bigger” than any vintage model, but not as loud as a distortion-class humbucker. Norton® might be our most versatile bridge pickup. Combine it with a wide choice of neck pickups like the Air Classic™, PAF®, PAF Pro® and Air Norton™.
Tech Talk: Norton® was originally designed to extend the tonal range and power of standard output humbuckers without going over the top. It's more modern than a PAF® sound: the benchmark Les Paul/Marshall combination yields more midrange crunch and high frequency pick harmonics than vintage-style pickups were capable of putting out. Really good for opening up the sound of mahogany set-neck guitars.
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