еще Power Scaling с 2 до 20 watts очень хорош...поэтому можно юзать как домашний power amp!
вот еще один отзыв.
I went to the LA Amp Show for a bit, and one of the coolest things there was the new Egnater Rebel! Its a very small amp, with features that are quite similar to the Suhr Badger (not comparing in a BAD way, people... no fights, ok?)... it had a feature "similar" to Power Scaling, from 20watts down to 1. Singe channel amp with a "Tight" switch and something else i forget... oh, it switched bwtween El84s and 6V6! it went from clean to mean and sounded great the whole time. i would love to A/B one to the Badger, not necessarily to do a "shoot-out", but to see if its different enough to warrant me buying one Laughing i think we are only going to see more and more of these small amps with these features, but Bruce does a great amp and im looking forward to trying one out again in the future!