Кстати по серийникам с 6 цифрами как разбираться? понял только то, что она раньше 97 года выпущена и все.
серийник выложи) ссылка гдето у меня была ) поищу
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http://www.guitarsatbmusic.com.au/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=5641&sid=27a05620cba301f60eaa8ed868597805"here's how to date your Caparison if it has a 7 digit serial number:
Example From my 2006 Horus:
Serial number: 1110328
The first digit "1" is sort of a baseline number. "1" should be the first number in serial number if the guitar was made in 1997 or later. 6 digit serial numbers were usued through the 90's and into the early 2000's.
The next 2 numbers, when looking at a 7 digit serial number, ( 1-11-0328 ) represent the years past 1995. This was the year Caparison first started making guitars. So, 1995 plus 11 years equals 2006. Those two numbers are the real key to figuring out the date of production. Just add those 2 numbers to 1995, and you will arrive at the year your guitar was made.
The last 4 numbers are the total guitars made up to that point in the year. So, my Horus was the 328th guitar made that year.
If you have an old Horus or TAT (Iceberg or Red Sunset serial number stamped on fretboard past 24th fret) it may be from 1995. There are only 6 digits in the serial number. If it is a 1995 model, the first two digits in serial number will read "00" or possibly no serial number. Also, All of those old Icebergs and Sunsets you see have a good chance of being second year models. 1996 will read "01" in the first digits. 1996 was the first year they really started pushing the brand.
For 2007 made guitars: My new TAT custom serial number is 1120657. It was one of the last models finished at the factory in 2007 (December). "12" in serial number is 12 years past 1995. That equals made in 2007 and the 657th guitar produced that year.
You may sometimes also come across a model that was actually made in say, 2006, but wasn't released until 2007. Early production models, Namm Show, Yokohama Instrument Fair display models etc. These may have serial numbers from late in the previous year, even though they are presented as next year models. Sometimes there are factory run overs into the next year. "
для примера вот По этому описанию выходит что мой ТАТ 96го года

0 ничего не обозначает в шестизначном, к 95 году - началу производства добавляется 1 следующая после него
Если серийник семизначный, начинается он с 1 плюсуются к 95 году две последующие цифры. помоему так По крайней мере у меня все так сходилось со всеми капами, на которые были документы