Если вдруг интересно, объяснение почему месы пропали из европейских магазинов. По некоторым данным, раньше февраля поставки скорее всего не возобновят.
A note about delivery times: I apologise in advance for the rest of this email being detailed but it’s important to cover everything and provide you with a suitable explanation for our current delivery times.
Demand for MESA/Boogie products is incredible at the moment. To put this in perspective, our current back order alone now far exceeds an entire year’s production capacity for what would be the best year in our company’s history; it is truly extraordinary and we’ve never seen global demand like it in 52 years.
While this is an excellent position to be in, there are unfortunately matters which complicate it:
• it far exceeds our current production capacity;
• COVID continues to have a very serious effect on parts supply and therefore production.
In addition to this, a while back the EU signalled their intention to revise their safety approval standards - these are legal requirements valid for the UK and EFTA countries as well. At MESA we’ve always complied with global regulations, so we immediately started work on the project. Like most compliance revisions, there really is very little in the new standards which apply directly to guitar amps, and it is wholly unnecessary in a practical sense, but if we want to do business in Europe we have to follow the law. It’s expensive and time consuming and we are required to use an authorised testing lab in the US to certify compliance and issue the relevant certificates. It is a lengthy and complex process.
We started working on the new standards with UL (the biggest testing lab in America) and unfortunately, some months after that, COVID hit. This had the result of creating a back-log (which continues) and slowing down approvals considerably, which has now led to a situation where the deadline for new standards compliance has passed and the approvals are far from complete. We, like thousands of other companies, asked for a grace period but the EU have been inflexible. Some companies may choose to continue to ship product, hoping that it will not get inspected for compliance but that’s not how we like to run our business - Everything needs to be done thoroughly and properly.
At the moment we’re basically stuck in a queue, having to wait our turn for testing our entire range of products. It’s extremely frustrating and disappointing, but without any flexibility from law makers in the EU, there’s nothing more we can do other than continue to follow up on progress with UL and hope things start to move more quickly at some point.
On top of all this, some additional laws in Europe covering more tenuously applicable subjects have also been revised and more strenuously applied, one of which is REACH. You can read more about it here:
http://ec.europa.eu/environment/chemicals/reach/reach_en.htmThe upshot is that we find ourselves in much the same position for REACH compliance, along with revisions of WEEE/RoHS (which covers packaging, disposal and recycling), as we do for the new IEC safety standard. Here again, we are waiting for approval from the relevant bodies and unable to ship products. This means that cabinets, pedals, bass amps (which are actually already IEC-62368 compliant) and other non-tube products also can’t be shipped due to these new EU regulatory laws.
As you can see, this puts us all in a difficult position regarding European business, but unfortunately EU law and those creating it really have left us no options; not even a grace period/extension. The EU have been completely inflexible and it’s going to force dealers, manufacturers and distributors in that market to lose money and business, and will ensure that customers can’t buy the products they want.
At the moment we’re unable to ship any more products to Europe until the new certifications are in place. Given the current estimates we are unlikely to ship any goods to Europe in 2021, with delivery dates on everything likely to be in 1Q 2022.
We know that you will be very unhappy about the situation, to put it mildly, and we understand that this falls far from your expectations. As I am sure you can imagine, we’re not happy about it either as not being able to sell anything in Europe for almost 18 months is devastating, but we continue to face parts shortages, delays and other challenges daily which makes building product immensely challenging right now. On top of this we have myriad regulatory issues to deal with, and the institutions who handle that are also deluged with work and unable to do what they need to in good time - In short, everyone is about a year behind now.
Again, I am very sorry for the long winded e-mail, but these are important matters and I’d rather explain it to you fully rather than give you a “politician’s explanation”.
We will continue to update dealers/retailers on the situation and as soon as we have an opportunity to finally start shipping product to Europe again we will do.
On behalf of everyone at MESA/Boogie, please accept our sincerest apologies.