Кстати, про ревизии 4х марков. Периодически вижу инфу, что существует некая транзитная версия от A к B.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5Mq2RToJGIWhy this amp is rare?
This particular example is a transitional model between "A" and "B". Very early 6000s serial number (0-6000 = Mark IV A; 6000-13000 = Mark IV B). They made around 200 of these w/ different circuit changes before settling w/ the "B" we all know. Small part of those 200 were exports like this one. Here's what is different in this one:
-Still has the 561137 PT used in Mark IIIs, early export Rev D/E/F Rectos and Mark IV A's
-The Phase Inverter is not like MK IV (A or B), but like IIC/IIC+
-The lead channel circuit is direct copy from Mark IIC+
-It has the more usable channel 2 (RY2) from the "B"
-It has the switching (including the Lead B+ switching for the preamp), Stereo FX Loop and OT (562004R1) from Mark IV "B"
-Older style unpainted chassis w/ separate faceplate
Мой марк подходит по серийнику, плюс у него несъемый шнур и уголки, как на revA, но я хз, на самом ли деле он чем-то отличается от обычных revB.